Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The New Citizenship rimmerman essays
The New Citizenship rimmerman essays Craig A. Rimmermans book The New Citizenship is formed to help understand participatory democracy and divulge what the role of citizenry is in the American political system. As an outside source to the reading and work that takes place in class I feel like this book backed up some of the discussions that have taken place and the thoughts that they have evoked for myself. Rimmermans ideas of active citizenry made sense to what has been evolving as my definition of citizenry. I will discuss Rimmerman's main thesis as well as the strengths and weaknesses as I saw them. Rimmermans booked helped to put in context what it was about service learning that relates to our class. This book main thesis is what is the role of a citizen or New Citizen in a participatory democracy. He says that the values of a New Citizenship include civic engagement, political equality, solidarity, trust, tolerance for diverse views and people, and encouragement of civic organizations and associations"(27). He believes the reason why people dont participate more in the electoral arena is because they see no link between who they vote for and the decisions made by the appointed. The reason for this absence of voting he attributes to civic indifferences. He uses two works that we have read for class, Alexis de Tocquevilles democracy in American and Putnams idea of bowling alone when backing his views on Americas Civic Indifference. Both Alexis de Tocquevilles theory and Putnams theory backed up Rimmermen's main idea in the book that their needs to be active participation for a democracy to run effectively and that has not been happening. Another main reason Rimmerman belie ves there is such a low voter turnout is because of the theory of elitism. He believes that people prescribe to the theory of elitism and believe that their vote doesnt make a differ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
What Is a Safety School How Should You Choose Yours
What Is a Safety School How Should You Choose Yours SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips For those of you who have started researching college admissions, you may have heard of the concept of a â€Å"safety school.†What is a safety school? Simply, a safety school is one in which your odds of getting in are extremely high. Everyone who applies to college should apply to safety schools. Why? You don’t want to risk getting rejected from all the schools you apply to. In this article, I'll define and explain the concept of a safety school. Furthermore, I'll discuss how to identify your safety schools and determine the number of safety schools you should apply to. What Is a Safety School? A safety school is a college that you're almost guaranteed to get into. Your GPA should be well above the average student's at that school and your SAT or ACT score should be above the 75th percentile for that school. I would say you should have at least an 80% chance of gaining admission, based on the numbers, to consider a college a safety school. Also, no college with an admissions rate lower than 15% can ever be considered a safety school. If a college is that selective, regardless of your grades and SAT scores, you can never assume that your odds of admission will be greater than 80%. The most selective schools routinely reject students with perfect grades and standardized test scores. Here's a hypothetical example to illustrate the concept of a safety school. Example Brittany has a 3.75 GPA and received a 680 SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score and a 700 SAT Math score. She applied to Arizona State University. Is ASU a safety school for her? Yes. The average GPA for ASU is 3.54, and the average SAT scores are 610 for EBRW and 620 for Math. The 75th percentile SAT score is 1350. Additionally, the admissions rate for ASU is 84%. Brittany should feel extremely confident that she'll be admitted to ASU and can use it as a safety school. Brittany's safety school How to Identify Your Safety Schools How do you know which colleges to use as safety schools? Many students will apply to their less competitive in-state public schools as safety schools, especially because in-state public colleges tend to offer lower tuition rates to in-state residents. Also, there are schools that offer guaranteed admission if you reach a certain GPA and SAT/ACT score. Most of these colleges are state schools and the offer extends to in-state residents. There's a guaranteed path to admission for California residents at University of California schools and automatic admission programs in Iowa, Missouri, Mississippi, Texas, and Nevada. Research a school's admissions requirements on its website to determine if there's a similar offer at that school. You can refer to popular college rankings lists from sources like US News World Report, Forbes, and Princeton Review and research schools that meet some of the criteria you're looking for in a college.Your standardized test scores should surpass the 75th percentile and your GPA should be above the school’s average to possibly consider a college a safety school. Use PrepScholar tools. If you enter your SAT score here, PrepScholar will automatically give you a list of possible safety schools based on your SAT score. Additionally, you can Google "(name of school) prepscholar admissions requirements" and use the admissions calculator on a school's profile to get a rough idea of your chances of admission. If you have at least an 80% chance according to the calculator, then you can probably categorize the school as a safety school. If you know college students who had qualifications lower than yours, you can research the colleges they’re attending and see if you can use any of those schools as your safety schools as well. Keep in mind that your GPA and SAT scores are only two components that determine whether you’re accepted to a school. Your extracurricular activities, recommendations, essays, and background also play a role when your application is evaluated. However, GPA and SAT/ACT scores are the most important factors and they’re the most objective available statistics. If your GPA and standardized test scores are much higher than those of the typical applicant, then other components of your application can be weaker and you'll still likely gain admission. How Many Safety Schools Should You Apply to? There's no set number of safety schools that you should apply to, but make sure you're open to attending the schools you're applying to. It's a waste of time to apply to a school that you would never attend. The college application process can be costly and time-consuming, especially if you apply to schools that don't use the Common Application. Generally, I recommend applying to 1/3 safety schools. If you apply to ten schools, at least three should be considered safety schools. You want to give yourself some options from the schools that are very likely to admit you. Then, 1/3 of the schools you apply to can be reach schools, schools that are likely to reject you based on your qualifications or their extremely low acceptance rates. The remaining 1/3 of schools you apply to can be target schools, schools that offer you about a 30%-80% chance of admission. Some students decide to apply to a higher percentage of reach schools because they're more interested in going to those schools and are hopeful that they'll get into one. The most important thing is to apply to at least a couple of safety schools to ensure that you'll have multiple options during the college selection process. Give yourself options! Quick Review A safety school is a college to which you have an extremely good chance of gaining admission (above 80%). You can safely assume you'll be accepted. Identify possible safety schools by consulting websites, ranking lists, and friends. Consider in-state public colleges that are safety school options. Use the admissions calculator on the PrepScholar database to determine if a particular school could be a safety school. Find out if there are any schools to which you qualify for automatic admission. Apply to about 1/3 safety schools. Ensure that you have options. What's Next? If you're about to start the application process, learn how to write about extracurriculars on your college applications. Also, check out this post if you have a high GPA but low SAT score. Finally, as you're considering your college options, read about whether you should consider going to college out of state. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Exam paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Exam paper - Essay Example There are various factors that determine how the Web site would benefit the youth group, one of them being the way in which the youth club would exploit the Web’s interconnectivity as well as the opportunities it would create to make better the relationships with its vendors and suppliers, its customers plus other external stakeholders. Another factor is the nature of the club’s relationship with its customers. Developing deep, long-life relationship with customers is of greater significance on the Web. It would cost the youth club money to attract customers to its site and maintain them. The youth club’s plan for incorporating the Web in its overall strategy is another factor that would determine whether it would realize Web success. The issues that the plan should address include site design and maintenance, strategies for marketing ad promotion, customer service, sales, and generating and managing a brand name. Another factor that would determine how the Web site would benefit the youth club is its relevance to the customers whose needs, tastes and preferences are dynamic. If the youth club is to remain relevant to its customers, then the success of its Web-based transactions effort is indispensable. The nature of resources including time, energy, talent, and money that the club would invest would also play a part in determining its Web success. This is because creating a meaningful Web presence necessitates a progressive investment of resources. In fact, an attractive Web site with catchy photographs plus products and services’ descriptions is just but a beginning (Zimmerer, 2010). The Web site would be of great importance in assisting Mr. Grove, the building fund manager, in organizing donation requests as well as in determining the kind and quality of the necessary building supplies. He can utilize the site well-constructed e-mail messages to direct customers to the site, where they can respond to donation requests – he can avail
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Persusive research paper on stem cell research and why it needs to
Persusive on stem cell and why it needs to continue and be funded by congress - Research Paper Example The present enthusiasm over prospective stem cell-produced remedies radiates from the new innovations of genetic biology. Though one cannot forecast the results from basic research, there is enough information available to suggest that a good deal of this enthusiasm is justified. This enthusiasm is not shared by those of the religious right. This faction is opposed to embryonic stem cell research which they claim as immoral and characterize as devaluing human life, much the same as does abortion, drawing a link between the two. This discussion will provide a brief overview of stem cell research and its benefits to society, the debate surrounding the issue and the arguments for continued research. Embryonic stem cells possess the ability to restore defective or damaged tissues which would heal or regenerate organs which have been adversely affected by a degenerative disease. Cell therapy has the very real potential to provide new cures for diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, macular deg eneration, multiple sclerosis and many other kinds of diseases. Cell therapy has also demonstrated a great potential to help repair and regenerate spinal cord injuries which would help paralyzed patients recapture lost body functions. The possibilities are limitless including greatly advancing the human lifespan because aging organs could be replenished. â€Å"We may even have the ability one day to grow our own organs for transplantation from our own stem cells, eliminating the danger of organ rejection†(â€Å"Future of Cell Therapy†, 2006). The three main objectives given for pursuing stem cell research are obtaining vital scientific information about embryonic development; curing incapacitating ailments and for testing new drugs instead of having to use animals. The scientific techniques for obtaining stem cells could lead to unparalleled advances and even cures for these and other ailments. It has been substantiated from animal research that stem cells can be diff erentiated into cells that will behave appropriately in their transplanted location. For example, the transplantation of stem cells following treatments for cancer has found much success for many years. There are numerous potential sources. The first is bone marrow stem cells. This type of stem cell is probably the most recognized of the stem cells. It has been used routinely to treat a variety of blood and bone marrow diseases, blood cancers and immune disorders. Leukemia is the most recognized disease that has been treated with a bone marrow transplant. New evidence suggests that bone marrow stem cells may be able to differentiate (the process by which an unspecialized cell acquires the features of a specialized cell) into cells that make up tissues outside of the blood such as liver and muscle (â€Å"Stem Cells In Use.†Learn.Genetics). The second type of stem cell is the adult stem cell. An adult stem cell is thought to be an undifferentiated cell, found among differentia ted cells in tissues or organs. These cells can renew themselves and can differentiate to become some or all of the major specialized cells types in the tissue and muscle it resides in. The primary function of this type of stem cell is to maintain and repair the tissue in which they reside. Because there are a very limited number of adult stem cells in each tissue coupled
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Kant Theory and Justice Essay Example for Free
Kant Theory and Justice Essay Immanuel Kant concerns himself with deontology, and as a deontologist, he believes that the rightness of an action depends in part on things other than the goodness of its consequences, and so, actions should be judged based on an intrinsic moral law that says whether the action is right or wrong – period. Kant introduced the Categorical Imperative which is the central philosophy of his theory of morality, and an understandable approach to this moral law. It is divided into three formulations. The first formulation of Kant’s Categorical Imperative states that one should â€Å"always act in such a way that the maxim of your action can be willed as a universal law of humanity†; an act is either right or wrong based on its ability to be universalized. This belief is part of the â€Å"universal law theory†and states that to determine if an action is essentially â€Å"good†or â€Å"bad,†one must essentially imagine a world in which everyone performed that same action constantly, and imagine if this would be a desirable world to live in. If not, then it is not okay to perform the action. He believes that this â€Å"universal law†lives within us; it is not something that is imposed on us from the outside. For example if one kills oneself out of self-love, it is logically contradictory because self-love refers to respect for one’s self as a rational being and rationality is based on objective (undistorted by emotion or personal bias). So, one can never justify suicide. The maxim of killing oneself cannot possibly exist as a universal law. The second formulation states that one must â€Å"treat humanity whether in thine own person or in that of any other, in every case as an end withal, never as means only. †For example, if I were to lie to a girl so that she would choose to go out with me then I, in effect, use her. Kant would say that I treated her as a means to achieve my end, and he specifically prohibits manipulating or deceiving a person for the purposes of achieving a personal end. According to Kant, only people are valuable as ends. Any action that disregards this is in clear violation of Kantian morality, and purports to reduce an individual’s autonomy; this consequently undermines a person’s rational capability and reduces him/her to a thing. This implies that if someone robs you and takes your wallet, he is treating you as a thing and not as a person. The third and last formulation requires that one sees oneself as the source of all moral law. This simply emphasizes the fact that the moral agent is the one who chooses to act morally. This third formulation tells us to imagine ourselves as the sole lawmaker in a society, and to choose the best possible set of laws that the society of rational beings would live by. Kant believes that we all have reason within us, but some choose to respond and act upon it while others do not. We can reason the way things ought to be, and based on that is how we should act, which explains Kant’s view that a moral action must be chosen through moral reason. For example, one does not cheat on a test because one’s reason tells him or her that it is wrong, not the consequences that follow if one gets caught. Another example is that we do not need the law to tell us not to steal because it is immoral; we simply have to access our ability to reason to rationalize this. In a world where each individual recognizes his/her moral dignity and freely chooses to adopt the same universalizable moral law, all actions become good. In opposition to the Categorical Imperative is Kant’s Hypothetical Imperative, which states that a particular action is necessary as a means to some purpose. Kant believes that these actions are not always moral because they are not performed out of â€Å"pure good will†(pure duty), which is the only thing in the world that is unambiguously good. In the case of the ethical credibility of the principles of affirmative action, Kant’s Categorical Imperative provides for the basis of approval. It is primarily out of a sense of duty that a society would seek to assist its struggling members who are in need of help. The action so far seems good, but we must test its universality. Can we imagine ourselves living in a world in which all societies seek to aid the underprivileged and the disadvantaged at the slight expense of others? Absolutely yes. It is important for one to bear in mind, however, that it is the very action of helping that is being judged as inherently good or bad, and not the action’s admirable or overbearing surrounding consequences. Secondly, we must test that the action is regarding everyone involved as ends and not as means to any particular purpose. Since the aim of affirmative action is to help the current predicaments of those people who were victimized in the past, focus is placed on respecting every individual’s autonomy. In this way, we can see that affirmative action is not a devious plan that seeks to manipulate, but one that seeks to compensate by adjusting the means (circumstances) and not the ends (individuals). Lastly, we must see if the action is establishing a universal law governing others in similar situations; one should behave as if one is the absolute moral authority of the universe. Is completing this action consistent with the application of moral law? If so, the affirmative action passes these three tests and the action is good. In his â€Å"Objections to Affirmative Action†, James Sterba talks about why he believes that Affirmative Action is morally wrong. He argues that a person’s race shouldn’t control his or her point of interest. Sterba argues that Affirmative Action leads to injustice and it is unfair to the white nonminority males because â€Å"it deprives them of equal opportunity by selecting or appointing women or minority candidates over more qualified nonminority male candidates. †He believes that the job of the government is to eliminate all kinds of discriminatory policies. He thinks that â€Å"alternative programs are preferable. †Thus, the government should instead promote equal opportunities through programs within agencies and departments instead of through Affirmative Action which he believes is a fancy word for discrimination. He argues that it is not fair to those who are more qualified for certain opportunities and cannot receive them either because they are not women or because they are not part of the minority. In his First Objection, he argues that Affirmative Action â€Å"is not required to compensate for unjust institutions in the distant past. †He talks about Morris’ argument that what occurred in the past is not the primary issue that puts all present-day African Americans at an unfair disadvantage; it is more about the issues of more recent origin. He makes a point that discrimination today could very well be the source of the disadvantaged disposition of African Americans and other minority groups, and it is certainly something that society could do without. The question remains that in attempting to â€Å"level the playing field†and eliminate present-day discrimination in America, is Affirmative Action a practical approach and should such a program be endorsed? The Fourth Objection goes on to say that Affirmative Action â€Å"hurts those who receive it†because in many ways the people benefitting from it would not see the need to work as hard, and it places â€Å"women and minorities in positions for which they are not qualified. †Sterba proposes that one of the solutions to this problem could be the installation education enhancement programs to compensate for any lack of skills. He believes that this will in a short time ensure that minorities are appropriately qualified for a position. In response to Sterba’s First Objection, Kant would agree that the rightness of Affirmative Action should be based upon the circumstances of the present situation and not what had occurred in the past; this is evident mainly through his a priori form of philosophical deductive reasoning that judges an action before the experience, or â€Å"in the moment. †However, Kant would disagree with Sterba’s Fourth Objection because in my opinion, Kant’s deontological theory correlates with the correctness of the affirmative action in its very aim toward helping â€Å"the right†people. Affirmative action has not significantly diminished gender, racial, and all other forms of discrimination, but the action has promoted equality and diversity to a large extent. In a world where everyone performs the â€Å"good will,†there is justice; and the installation of this program only serves to come closer to this justice. Discrimination is wrong because it violates a person’s basic and intrinsic moral rights. Thus, in itself the adoption of this program is an action that is good because without Affirmative Action it is true in many ways that minorities would remain at a disadvantaged position in the educational system and not be allowed the opportunity to exercise their true potential. Kant would argue that it is a duty out of â€Å"good will†to treat people equally. The concepts of equality and autonomy are emphasized in the nature of this program because it strives to treat everyone as a free person equal to everyone else. According to Kant, one should be treated as ends not as mere means. It can be argued that African Americans at a disadvantaged position were being treated as means by the dominant culture to achieve its own ends in the system. Discrimination cannot exist as a system of nature because those who discriminate would not want to be similarly discriminated against if things were reversed, and so Affirmative Action is justified because it aims to open the door of opportunities to those who have been oppressed for years. That being said, Kant would examine the action itself and not the consequences of the action. When making decisions, one has to put oneself into other people’s shoes and see if one wants to be treated the same way others have been treated; it is a duty to treat others as we ourselves want to be treated. Affirmative Action not necessarily needed in this society to reduce the inherent inequalities that are still existent, but it can certainly be used to assist in leveling the playing field. Affirmative Action has been successful on a short term basis, that is, in increasing the representation of minorities (including women) in areas of employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded. However, on the long term basis it can be argued that the program only serves to perpetuate a cycle of need. Kant advocates the idea of equality through his deontological theory by saying that all people deserve equal treatment as rational ends in themselves and that this should never be compromised by the flaws in any social system.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Electronic Performance Monitoring Essay -- Business Management
Companies (organizations) are adopting the use of various forms of modern technologies to improve their performance. Most of these technologies are implemented to check on performance and management of these organizations. The technologies are computer based and are mostly used to check employees’ performance (Ludwig & Goomas, 2010, p. 393). The technologies also help these organizations to evaluate employees based on their performance. One of such technologies is the electronic performance monitoring, which is the latest advancement (Lliopis, Gonzalez, & Gasco, 2005, p. 215). The electronic performance monitoring (EPM) advancement refers to application of technology to check what employees do while at work. In other words, this technology monitors workers’ productivity output, which includes how effectively the employees utilize their work time (Lliopis, Gonzalez, & Gasco, 2005, p. 218). The organizations, which have installed EPM in their premises, have an easy task of monitoring the interruptive activities their employees get involved in. Such activities include making and receiving phone calls and receiving and sending personal mails among others (Ludwig & Goomas, 2010, p. 394). EPM has advantages as well as disadvantages. However, the advantages are more pronounced than the disadvantages. For instance, the electronic device helps to save time in an organization. The device has the ability to gather metric data annually and is able to use the human resource formulas, as well as evaluate and grade employees based on their performance. EPM also ensures that appraisals are only viewed by the individuals who they are intended for (Lliopis, Gonzalez, & Gasco, 2005, p. 222). This has a positive effect on the company since it enh... ...al decision to implement electronic surveillance at work: A research framework. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 13(3), 244-268. Lliopis, J., Gonzalez, R. M., & Gasco, J. L. (2005). Transforming the firm for the digital era: An organizational effort towards an E-culture. Human System Management, 23(4), 213-225. Ludwig, T. D., & Goomas, D. T. (2010). Real-time performance monitoring, goal-setting, and feedback for forklift drivers in a distribution center. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82(2), 391-403. McNall, L. A., & Roch, S. G. (2009). A social exchange of employee reactions to electronic performance monitoring. Human Performance, 22(3), 204-224. Smith, W. P., & Tabak, F. (2009). Monitoring employees e-mails: Is there any room for privacy? The Academy of management Perspectives Archives, 23(4), 33-48.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Discovery Essay
‘The Discovery’, by J. C Squire describes a historical event: Christopher Columbus’s ‘discovery’ of the New World on his 1942 expedition across the Atlantic Ocean which initiated the process of Spanish colonisation. The poem has gone by several names including ‘The Caravels, ‘Sonnet’ and ‘There was an Indian’. John Collings Squire (J. C Squire) (1884-1958) was a British poet, writer, historian, influential literary critic and editor of the post WW1 period. He was also a leading poet of the Georgian period. The poem is a simple sonnet; made up of two quatrains and a sestet. The rhyme scheme is abab, cdcd, efegfg. The rhyme creates a steady, forward-moving motion similar to the movement of the waves and the inevitability of the oncoming Spanish vessels reaching the shore. The poet uses simple language and imagery which mirror the uncomplicated life of the Indian from whose perspective this historical event is retold. The discovery of the New World is often related from the perspective of the Spanish colonisers of the 15th and 16th centuries. Squire also reminds us that this was a two-fold discovery as the indigenous Americans discovered a new world of their own. The phrase, ‘an Indian’, in the first stanza lends a sense of anonymity to the identity of the Indian who witnesses the arrival of Columbus. The indefinite article (an) allows us to believe that this Indian represents all Native Americans. The opening line is reminiscent of a folktale. This style suggests a mythologizing of this historical event, infusing it with an element of magic. One might also believe it to be an example of the oral tradition of legends told among Native Americans. Like other Indians, the Indian in the poem ‘had known no change’. His life consisted of gathering shells; a simple way of life that belonged to an old civilisation for which this discovery was sure to be a shock. The alliteration of ‘s/sh’ in the line ‘†¦ along a sunlit beach. Gathering shells’ depicts the calm, serene and uninterrupted life of the natives. He ‘strayed content’ almost aimlessly, along a ‘sunlit beach’, in no rush to go about his simple life. The presence of dawn symbolises the dawn of a new era in the life of the Indian. We are reminded that historical records show that the event occurred at dawn. Light also symbolises knowledge and discovery for both the Spanish and the Indians. The caesura in the third line ‘He heard a sudden, strange commingled noise’ effectively draws our attention to the abrupt change in this tranquil picture. The caesura evokes a sense of confusion in the atmosphere which was once silent but is now filled with an unfamiliar noise. This is created through the use of alliteration and hard consonants. The Indian’s reaction in the last line of the first stanza ‘looked up: and gasped for speech’ indicates how amazed and speechless he was. The caesura in line four ‘Commingled noise: looked up; and gasped for speech’, also denotes the abrupt actions and reactions of the Indian man. The second stanza is linked to the first stanza by means of a further explanation for the sudden change in the first quatrain. The poet evokes the Indian’s tone of amazement and wonder at the appearance of the ‘huge canoes’ that appear ‘by magic’. The idea of magic evokes a contrast between the two civilisations; the superstitious, tribal beliefs of the natives versus the more advanced scientific beliefs of the Spanish. The poet also evokes the serene, tranquil and undefiled setting and one of confusion which is emphasised by the impressive image of these unnatural and unfamiliar sea vessels on the water. The Indian is unfamiliar with these large ships. In fact, he can only describe them in terms of what he already knows, for eg. ‘huge canoes’ and ‘not one oar’. The Indian’s tone of awe is audible even though the poet does not give him a voice. Perhaps, this is to further emphasise the domination and oppression of the Spanish colonisation of the Native Americans stamping out their voice, culture and traditions. The images used in the stanza are simple yet vivid as can be seen through the image of the ‘Bellying cloths’ and ‘Fluttering coloured signs. The second quatrain is stylistically interesting because the poet is conscious of the different perspectives: that of the Indian man who tries to describe these unfamiliar objects by adapting them to those he is familiar with, and that of the reader who has a knowledge of history and immediately recognises the Indian’s attempt to describe the billowing sails, fluttering flags and ‘clambering crews’. The alliteration of the letter ‘k’ sound in the last line of the second stanza ‘And fluttering coloured signs and clambering crews’, reminds us of the confusion and cacophony created by the sailors as they prepare to land. The third stanza, the ‘sestet’, begins with the conjunction ‘And’, linking it to the previous stanzas. There is now a Volta as the focus shifts to the Indian’s reaction to the caravels. There is an even greater use of caesura which creates an abrupt and staccato rhythm which might reflect the fear that has overcome the Indian, maybe his accelerated heartbeat too. The Volta between the second and third stanzas is also evident in the rhyme scheme which suggests the inevitable, impending conclusion to this sighting as the caravels ‘Slant to the shore, and all their seamen land’. The final stanza draws a clear contrast between the native, who is ‘naked’ and ‘alone’ and the numerous sailors disembarking ‘Columbus’ doom-burdened caravels’. The Indian’s nakedness suggests his primitive lifestyle and his defencelessness. The Indian reacts ‘in fear’ and drops his shells. This symbolises the fall of the native civilisation; his face turns white and he also kneels behind a stone. He stares at this monstrous sight and ‘did not understand’ the full impact of what was unfolding before his eyes. The poet’s intention is to make the contrast between the Spanish and the Indian evidently clear and simple to the reader, in order to draw our attention to the other side of the story which is rarely told in history books. This is emphasised by the choice of perspective for the poem. The image of ‘Columbus’ doom-burdened caravels’ is a powerful one, suggesting a grimly mocking or cynical tone because these caravels symbolise the beginning of the corruption of old civilisations. The final image of the sailors landing on shore is ominous, adding to the heaviness that weighs upon the reader’s knowledge of what will inevitably follow. The poem ends abruptly as the poet does not need to tell us anything else due to the readers’ knowledge of what happens next which has been documented in the history books.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Reforming Public Education Visual Outline
Reforming Public Education in America Visual Outline Corrie Broughton Western Governors University WGU Student ID # 000235996 Reforming Public Education in America 1. The world around American school children is changing, but the public school system is failing to keep up with all the changes. Many programs that are in place were great 50+ years ago but now true reform is needed. A. The United States used to have the highest standards in the world for education. B. With so many budget cuts, the education of American children is suffering. There is little money for updated textbooks, new technology, and even to updated buildings.Many teachers reach into their own pockets to supply their classrooms even with the basics of paper and pencils. C. Taxes should be paying for world-class education in America, but the government is not using those dollars wisely. School district boards are in complete charge of how the money is distributed to each school. Not all schools will receive the same amount, some will get more and some will get less. 2. The public education system needs change. Children are getting further and further behind in math and science when compared to other countries.The No Child Left Behind law has some good goals but those goals are hard to achieve because the standards are set too high. It’s hard to judge what the standards are because each state has their own test for student achievement. A. Very little money for schools means no new textbooks or technology available to students. Cut backs also mean no counselors or school nurses on campus. Additionally, school buildings do not get much-needed repairs. B. Student/teacher ratios are too high. Teachers cannot give individual attention to students, and students struggle with keeping up with the curriculum.Poor performing teachers make the same amount of money as a good teacher. Tenure and the teacher’s union protect all teachers from any form of discipline. C. U. S. schools have failed to keep up with other countries in education. The common factor with all of the countries that have students achieving their standards is all students use the same curriculum and there is not a No Child Left Behind Law. The United States has the shortest school year and fewest amount of hours children spend in the classroom. 3. Research suggests that the U. S. ducation system could benefit from reform because there is very little money for schools; there are over-crowded classrooms with tenured teachers who are protected by the unions and other countries are surpassing America’s once great education system by leaps and bounds. References Athavale, G. (2009, October 29). U. S. education falling behind those of other countries. Retrieved from http://www. saratogafalcon. org/content/us-education-falling-behind-those-other-countries Behrent, M. (2009, Summer). Reclaiming our freedom to teach: Education reform in the Obama era. [Part of the special issue, Education and the Obama p residency].Harvard Educational Review 79 (2), p. 240-6. Retrieved from http://wguproxy. egloballibrary. com/login? user=true&url=http://vnweb. hwwilsonweb. com/hww/jumpstart. jhtml? recid=0bc05f7a67b1790e84eb37b49561a968d1ff2c9fe8790d78c3c4d7ec0aaa2d1d11262f4eeb607acd&fmt=C Howell, W. ; West, M. ; Peterson, P. (2011 Fall). The public weighs in on school reform Retrieved from Education Next, 11(4), and 10-22 A Failing Grade For Public School Funding (2010, June 01). [Editorial] Los Angeles Times Retrieved from http://articles. latimes. com/2010/jun/01/opinion/la-ed-funding-20100601/2 Leana, C. 2011, Fall). The missing link in school reform p. 30-35 Retrieved from http://go. aft. org/socap National Commission on Excellence in Education (1903, April 26). A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform. Retrieved from http://www2. ed. gov/pubs/NatAtRisk/index. html Resnick, L. ; Nolan, K. (1995 March). Where in the world are world-class standards? Educational Leadership, Vol. 52 , p. 6-10, 5p Retrieved from http://www. ascd. org/publications/educational_leadership/mar95/vol52/num06/Where_in_the_World_Are_World-Class_Standards?. aspx Schools and Testing: Left
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on FIAT
FIAT The subject of discussion was the design for the new Fiat Tipo, and a critical product aimed at replacing Fiat â€Å"Uno†. Cantarella (the general manager) had expressed doubts about the Tipo B’s design concept. He found the car boxy and uninspiring, and was intrigued by the possibility of changing the direction of the project. In addition, Cantarella was also considering suggesting changes in the project’s organization. Fiats models, which flooded the pre-war Italian market, consolidated Fiat’s focus on small, inexpensive, and efficient automobiles. Professor Vittorio Valletta, who followed Angelli as CEO concentrated on the lower segments of the automobile industry, because he thought it was safe and appropriated strategy. Vittorio combined low cost automobile concepts, lean, simple designs, and substantial investments in advanced production technologies. Giovanni Angelli nephew of senator Angelli replaced Valletta. He strongly felt a need to modernize Fiat and enhance its competitiveness at the international level. For the first time in Fiat’s history, Angelli brought in consultants, who helped with the modernization of Fiat’s managerial systems, including the implementation of major organization changes. Angelli’s renewal of Fiat’s management and production systems was deeply affected by Italy’s rapidly deteriorating political situation. Fiat’s automobile division was separated form its parent company and turned into wholly owned subsidiary, Fiat Auto SpA. The group was active in a variety of industrial sectors, from aerospace to mass merchandising and retailing, and from chemicals to financial services. Vittorio Ghidella, an engineer, was made CEO of the automobile subsidiary. Ghidella aimed to reinforce Fiat’s traditional strategy of producing the â€Å"car for everyone†by developing a sophisticated manufacturing infrastructure and improving the service and dealer network. His goal was t... Free Essays on FIAT Free Essays on FIAT FIAT The subject of discussion was the design for the new Fiat Tipo, and a critical product aimed at replacing Fiat â€Å"Uno†. Cantarella (the general manager) had expressed doubts about the Tipo B’s design concept. He found the car boxy and uninspiring, and was intrigued by the possibility of changing the direction of the project. In addition, Cantarella was also considering suggesting changes in the project’s organization. Fiats models, which flooded the pre-war Italian market, consolidated Fiat’s focus on small, inexpensive, and efficient automobiles. Professor Vittorio Valletta, who followed Angelli as CEO concentrated on the lower segments of the automobile industry, because he thought it was safe and appropriated strategy. Vittorio combined low cost automobile concepts, lean, simple designs, and substantial investments in advanced production technologies. Giovanni Angelli nephew of senator Angelli replaced Valletta. He strongly felt a need to modernize Fiat and enhance its competitiveness at the international level. For the first time in Fiat’s history, Angelli brought in consultants, who helped with the modernization of Fiat’s managerial systems, including the implementation of major organization changes. Angelli’s renewal of Fiat’s management and production systems was deeply affected by Italy’s rapidly deteriorating political situation. Fiat’s automobile division was separated form its parent company and turned into wholly owned subsidiary, Fiat Auto SpA. The group was active in a variety of industrial sectors, from aerospace to mass merchandising and retailing, and from chemicals to financial services. Vittorio Ghidella, an engineer, was made CEO of the automobile subsidiary. Ghidella aimed to reinforce Fiat’s traditional strategy of producing the â€Å"car for everyone†by developing a sophisticated manufacturing infrastructure and improving the service and dealer network. His goal was t...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Creating Your Freelance Niche
Creating Your Freelance Niche Creating Your Freelance Niche Creating Your Freelance Niche By Colin Finding one’s own niche in which to write articles can be a great position to attain, and one most writers will attempt at some point in their careers. For a freelance writer just setting out, niche writing can help make the break into the business much easier, and provide a steady source of writing gigs while earning some money. Let’s say you’ve made the conscious decision to dedicate your writing, or a large portion of it, to writing within a particular subject – you want to create a niche for yourself – you just don’t know in what subject, or how to go about it. How then, do you kick things off? What niche markets can a freelance writer begin writing in, learn about the trade, and still make a living from? There are two ways to approach this: 1 Obvious Existing Expert Knowledge You’re an expert in space exploration. You studied the cosmos and advanced physics at university and gained a Masters degree. Then you got the perfect job working for NASA, helping to support space missions and discovering the galaxy. In your spare time you built telescopes and watched the night skies for comets and asteroids of an evening. Now, in your twilight, you have decided to boost your pension with a little freelance writing. If this is you, then the chances are you already know where your niche market lies. If not, read on. 2 No Obvious Existing Expert Knowledge Should you have no existing expert knowledge in any particular subject, don’t be fooled into thinking that niche writing is not for you. There are many areas of life and business that require specialist freelance writers, in what might be termed as â€Å"boring subjects.†Here are a few niche markets, where a freelance writer can kick off his career, get some good clips, and make a few bucks at the same time. The Industry We’re In You’re a writer, so why not write about writing? Brainstorm a few ideas about the writing process and write articles based on what you come up with. If you’re just starting out use your situation as your inspiration, because there are plenty of other writers in the some boat that want to know they are not alone. You could write about the issues or problems you face while setting out on the freelancing road, how you overcame them, the methods you develop for churning out your work, aspects of web-related work, blogging work, or even the fact you are attempting to work in a niche market can be as good a place as any to start. It’s true when they say that a writer is only limited by the extent of their ideas, and your advice and point of view will be of interest to many. Sales and Marketing A quick scan of Internet job boards will reveal the amount of companies, website organizations, and individuals that are always on the hunt for a writer who can specialize in sales and marketing copy. Sales and marketing covers a broad range of material, so it’s perfect for breaking down into bite-sized chunks. It’s possible to find something you are good at that you can gain confidence from, in what is a potentially lucrative market. Are you good at blowing your own trumpet? Then start writing press releases. Maybe you have some web experience? Try your hand at writing web content. Or perhaps you have an addiction to buying products online, and you’ve become an expert at what makes a good sales pitch? Then have a bash at writing sales letters! There are courses available for all of these topics, ranging from the beginner to the serious, but if you start small and focus hard, you can gain a world of experience, which is the most valuable commodity of all. Direct Mail Direct mail is a specialist form of copywriting. It is all about producing high quality, effective marketing techniques through the medium of the written word. Put another way, wherever there is somebody with something to sell there is usually a direct mail opportunity. To be a good writer in this market can, in some cases, mean extremely well paid and long term work. But to receive that level of compensation, the direct mail copywriter must be as creative as he is proficient. He must be able to research the product and market he is writing about, and have a strong and close relationship with the company he is writing for. The World of Finance This can be a tricky niche to write in, but when broken down it can prove to be very lucrative, both financially, and in the amount of work that might be cultivated. This market tends to have a lot of niche writers because the finance industry is so large, and has its own set of terminology and rules. So understanding how the economy works, and how to make sense of the financial markets, will give you a head start. It’s perfect for writers who have come into freelancing at a later stage in their life, or for those who took a degree in economics, only to realize they preferred writing about it, instead of working in it. Technical Writing Technical writing is not for everyone. It requires the ability to grasp technical subjects and apply the principles of that technology in a way that will both appeal, and be understood by technical and non-technical readers. Understanding the subject will give you a good start, but if you can’t portray the processes and technical background in layman’s terms, then it might be best to stay clear. If, however, you have a talent for making sense out of complicated material, or if you have the ability to strip down a PC and rebuild it again by referring to a two-page leaflet in your spare time, for example, then it could be the perfect niche market for you. Professional Writing Professional writing is close to technical writing, in that the writer is required to have specialist knowledge in a dedicated field. But while it can be a good niche market to get a foothold in, even if you are proficient and willing to learn fast, it won’t get you publishing credits of note. However, academics and students are notorious at turning in poor quality reports, theses, and essays, and so are often willing to pay handsomely for someone who can especially when there are end of term deadlines involved. This form of writing might also find the freelance writer producing work for training manuals, self-help books, or e-books, which is another lucrative and booming market in itself. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Regarding Re:Use a Dash for Number Ranges15 Idioms for Periods of Time
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Disertation proposal, perception of nuclear power, associated risks, Dissertation
Disertation proposal, perception of nuclear power, associated risks, and communication strategy - Dissertation Example The cheap, safe and reliable energy sources could predetermine both a society’s functioning as a whole and any individual’s well-being in particular. Against the background of rapidly rising energy consumption worldwide and more or less dwindling reserves of fossil fuel, along with still unfolded potential and certain limitations concerning the electricity generation from renewable sources, nuclear power appears to become an increasingly reasonable option - at least according to many governments, scientists and professionals. In the case of the public opinion, however, the overall picture is alarmingly different. According to a selection of reputable opinion polls conducted in the UK between 2004 and 2007, there is low support for nuclear energy, especially compared with energy from renewable sources (Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, 2007, p.3). In 2010, just 38 per cent of the respondents to a Cardiff University/Ipsos MORI poll ‘believed the benefi ts of nuclear power outweighed the risks and only 39 per cent trusted the industry to run the plants safely’ (Ecologist, 2010). ... Given the legacy of the Cold War thinking, reinforced by past and recent incidents in nuclear plants like those in Chernobyl and Fukushima, along with the usual mistrust towards the government, such a trend is not a complete surprise; moreover, most of the people as a whole, and perhaps a good deal of those polled in particular, either don’t fully realise the scale and consequences of the climate change, or do consider them a faraway future and therefore not an issue to worry about, as against the existing, yet greatly exaggerated, immediate risks for people’s health and lives, which appear to form the poor image of nuclear power. This issue is being repeatedly addressed by governmental and scientific reports, documents and writings, with varying, but definitely insufficient effect, as seen from the latest polls’ results. Though the set of intentions and recommendations contained in those writings, aimed at influencing the public opinion, is considered generally correct, namely well-targeted educational campaigns, nuclear waste solutions, continued focus on safety, etc., the result, or more precisely the faint result, implies two possibilities: These efforts would need much longer time to bear fruit; There is something wrong with the messages themselves – whether in terms of formulation and clarity, or in the way they are communicated to the general public; As in most of the cases, the truth might lie in somewhere between the two – whereas a daunting task, like gaining public support for something that full of misconceptions and therefore so badly understood by the average person in the street, as nuclear power, inevitably
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