Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Emotional Intelligence (Ei) Is A Topic That Has Not Been
Emotional intelligence (EI) is a topic that has not been completely explored because organisations do not see it as a current need, unless the role itself requires a measure. For this reason, it is a debated topic and still being researched. This essay will analyse the value of testing emotional intelligence during the employee selection process, its benefits and drawbacks, and the implications for the organisations to ensure testing emotional intelligence is valuable. In terms of employee selection, it is known that a successful process has to evaluate competences, attitudes and personality features using a variety of techniques and methods, to predict a successful job performance (Compton, Morrisey Nankervis 2014, p. 15). Over the†¦show more content†¦On the other hand, social competences are related to social awareness, including empathy, organizational awareness, and service; and relationship management with competences, such as inspirational leadership, influence, conflict management, teamwork collaboration and so on (Cadmand C. Brewer J 2001, p. 322). In terms of measuring EI , different methods have been developed, some of them are performance based and self - report measures. Having said that, the most commonly used was developed by Mayer, Caruso, and Salovey, the emotional intelligence test (MSCEIT) that tests four aspect of EI which are perceiving emotions, facilitating emotions, understanding emotions, and managing emotions. In general, it has proved the relation between IE and some behaviour at work like quality of social relations, inspirational motivation, individual consideration and so on (Herpertz, Nizielski, Hock Schà ¼tz 2016, p. 11). The BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory (BarOn EQ-I) is another evaluation of emotional intelligence based on self-report with 15 measurable factors that include general mood, intrapersonal and interpersonal factors, stress management, and adaptability (Wakeman 2006, p. 73). According to some academics, testing EI is prone to a socially desirable answer. Herpertz et al. (2016, p. 8) found that results on self-reported Emotional Intelligence test were higher and theyShow MoreRelatedThe Topic Of Emotional Intelligence ( Ei )1495 Words  | 6 Pages The topic of emotional intelligence (EI) has been heavily debated for a number of years. There have been many theories and many different angles of research that psychologists have taken pertaining to EI, but none of that research has been overall conclusive in coming up with factual evidence of the true nature of EI. There have been many different criticisms concerning EI and it’s different methods of understanding. One psychologist says that, The first criticism is hat even if EI studies tap intoRead MoreEmotional Intelligence ( Eq ) And Emotional Quotient Essay1537 Words  | 7 PagesBobby Lindsey Mrs. Ehlers CollegeNow Comp 151 18 September 2016 Emotional Intelligence Many people ponder about the question â€Å"What is Emotional Intelligence (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ) and how is it different from Intelligence Quotient (IQ)?†Many people know about Intelligence Quotient or IQ and they probably hope to have a high one, but they may not realize there is also something called EQ and it plays a role in people’s lives every day. EQ is an important concept to learn and understandRead MoreEmotional Intelligence : An Effective Leadership Skills Essay933 Words  | 4 PagesEmotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence (EI) is having the ability to recognize, perceive, control, and evaluate one’s emotions. 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The theory of emotional intelligence and the theory of attritionRead MoreWorking in Teams: A Study1683 Words  | 7 Pagesteams: Final project Task 1 Almost everyone has been on a team at some point in his or her existence, either a sports team as a child or a team at work or in school. The language of teamwork suggests that being on a team is innately different than being a member of a group. Teams differ from other type of groups in that members are focused on a joint goal or product, such as a presentation, completing in-class exercises, taking notes, discussing a topic, writing a report, or creating a new designRead MoreEmotional Intelligence On The Workplace1528 Words  | 7 PagesEmotional Intelligence in the Workplace When most people think of emotional intelligence (EI), they are unsure about what exactly that phrase means. Is it someone who is very emotional? Someone who is very smart? What is it and why is it important in the workplace? 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Global Warming And Increasing Greenhouse Gases - 1509 Words
With all the talk of global warming and increasing greenhouse gases, many corporations and individuals are attempting to integrate cleaner power sources into their way of life. Power companies are erecting huge wind turbine farms in order to harvest more clean energy. Other companies are attempting to lower their dependence on oil and coal reserves. Many individuals are even getting the â€Å"Green†bug. Homeowners around the country are installing solar panels to gather solar power to supplement their home electricity needs. Federal laws even give incentives to install solar panels or wind turbines. But in the State of Oklahoma, homeowners are penalized for installing these green power collectors. Oklahoma Senate Bill 1456 states that the power companies can increase rates or charge a surcharge no greater than the full cost to serve customers that install distributed generation devices on the customer side of the meter, unless that device is owned by the power company. (Griffin) In other words, the homeowner is charged extra for implementing a green alternative to fossil fuel generated power sources. This bill took effect on November 1, 2014. The sooner we are able to diversify into sources of power other than fossil fuels the better off our planet will be and the longer the human race can sustain our lives on this planet. Oklahoma should repeal this bill because homeowners should be allowed to pursue alternative forms of power in order to safeguard the planet, ifShow MoreRelatedIs Global Warming Due to Human Actions? Can the Human Race Take Action to Stop Global Warming?1529 Words  | 7 PagesOutline Is global warming due to human actions? Can the human race take action to stop global warming? Introduction Thesis Statement: Yes, human actions are definitely a factor in global warming. The fact that there have been natural cycles of climate change since earths formation, in past and recent centuries humans have influenced global climate change through the emission of greenhouse gases. The actions that humans should take to stop global warming are to reduce the greenhouse gas emissionsRead MoreAnalysis Of Earth s Blanket 1253 Words  | 6 Pagesscientists agrees that the world is warming and believes it is mainly caused by humans influence and their association with the greenhouse gases (Arbogast 239). In this paper, I will examine the connection between human-induced global warming and its global effect on Earth s climate, and what it may yield to the future of those living on Earth. How are humans inducing global warming? For beginners, we will start off with the greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases act as Earth s blanket. AccordingRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effect On Climate Change Essay1362 Words  | 6 PagesThe global warming is a controversial and debated topic, but it is no surprise to most people. When we think about our future, we only think about our personal life effects and benefits. Global warming is also an important and troubling situation going on the planet earth. Changes in climate can be resulted from both human activities and natural. Human activities involve careless actions and burning fuels. On the other side, natural events cause climate change by volcanic eruptions. Human activitiesRead MoreGlobal Climate Change and Human Activity Essay1152 Words  | 5 Pageschanges in the global climate. Natural causes like volcanic eruptions, the changes in the sun’s radiation, and the ocean current shifts noticed are contributing to the global climate change. In addition, the human activities such as the burning fossil fuels, and the cutting down of trees [forests] so as to create land to cultivate and rare cattle affect the climate change. The human activities that are done affect the global climate that the natural causes which has led to global warming in the atmosphereRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Warming Essay1459 Words  | 6 Pagesbecoming warmer. When scientists add up all the heat warming the land, oceans, atmosphere, ice melting, earth is accumulating heat equivalent to four Hiroshima bombs worth of heat per second. Global warming is a serious issue faced by our world as there has been a significant increase in temperature over the years. But the article published by Dr. Mark Sircus on â€Å"Global Warming -largest science scandal in the history†refutes the theory of global warming. Dr. Sircus states that there is no linkage betweenRead MoreGlobal Warming : Causes And Effects905 Words à ‚ | 4 Pagesfaced with, global warming. What is global warming? Well, global warming is a rise in the Earth s average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect (which I will talk more about.) Which is when our ozone layer has a hole which gradually increases, and increases heat from the sun. This causes major problems such as the polar caps melting and increase of temperatures on Earth. The number one cause of global warming is the largeRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On Earth1577 Words  | 7 Pagesphenomenon known as the greenhouse effect kept the earth at a comfortable temperature to allow life on earth. This process is necessary to support and maintain life on earth. But just like any good thing, too much of it could be dangerous. Greenhouse gases acts as a blanket that is wrapped around the earth. This traps energy in the atmosphere and the energy is then heated up by the sun’s rays. Because of this, another phenomenon has come to be. It is known as global warming. Global warming is constant riseRead MoreGlobal Warming : Causes And Effects1369 Words  | 6 PagesGlobal Warming: Clearing up the Confusion to Become Part of the Solution Global warming, often confused with the term â€Å"climate change,†is a problem of worldly proportions that knows no limits, caused in large part by human actions. If it continues unchecked, its effects will be felt around the planet, from human society, to the environment, to the world economy. The purpose of this research paper is to understand the topic of global warming, its causes and effects, in order to help understandRead MoreGlobal Warming And The Planet Earth1588 Words  | 7 PagesGlobal Warming and the Planet Earth: We Broke It, Let’s Help Fix It! Global warming, often confused with the term â€Å"climate change,†is a problem of worldly proportions that knows no limits, caused in large part by human activity. If it continues unchecked, its effects will be felt around the planet, from human society, to the environment, to the world economy. The purpose of this research paper is to understand the topic of global warming, you will hear from scientists and experts in the fieldRead MoreHumans Cause Global Warming1142 Words  | 5 PagesGlobal Warming Debate Today we are debating the important topic of global warming. As the affirmative team, we strongly believe that global warming is caused by the actions of humans. But this is not just a belief, this is a fact. Global warming, by definition, is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants. The greenhouse effect is the trapping of the
Monday, December 9, 2019
Compare and contrast mongol rule free essay sample
During the 12th and 13th centuries the Mongols swept across Eurasia and conquered various peoples, including the Persians and Chinese. There are many slmllarltles and differences In the political and economic effects of Mongol rule on the Abbasid Empire In Persia and on the Yuan Dynasty In china. In both regions, the Mongols were relatively tolerant of all religions. However, they differed in that the Mongols allowed Persia to have native administrators but did not allow China to. When the Mongols ruled in Persia and China, they respected all the religions they encountered. In Persia, the Mongols were attracted to Islam and overtime they ssimilated to it. The Mongols were intrigued by Muslim society and by the year 1295, the Persian khanate had converted to Islam. They built mosques throughout the region and returned Islam toa privileged position of Persian society. The Mongols were also tolerant of the other religions in Persia including. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and contrast mongol rule or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Nestorian Christianity, Buddhism and Judaism. In China as well, the Mongols respected all cultural and religious traditions. They began to adopt some of Chinese culture, like ancestor worship. Khubilai Khan even built temples for his predecessors, so he could practice ancestor worship. The Mongols tolerated religions and belief systems such as, Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism and Christianity. They allowed churches, temples and shrines to be built, because they wanted to maintain a good relationship with the people ot the region. Although the Mongols tolerated Confucianism, they did not allow It to have official support. The Mongols effects on rellglon In Persia and china were quite similar. The Mongols ways of governing In Persia differed from how they governed In China. In Persia, the Mongols ruled using ideas from Persian bureaucracy. They set up many district and appointed provincial governors. The highest government positions were held by Mongols, but Persians were allowed to be government offcers at lower levels. Persians served as state officials, ministers and provincial governors. The Mongols allowed the Persians to govern the ilkhanate because they knew the Persians had a successful government and would be able to maintain order. However, the Mongols required the Persians to deliver tax receipts as a way of limiting Persian power. The Mongols set up government in China very differently than they had in Persia. The Mongols pushed native Chinese people to the bottom of the hierarchy. The Mongols got rid of Civil Service Exams because they thought there was no need for them. They did not make use of Chinese administrative talent; instead they had foreign administrators govern China. The governing staff included Persians, Arabs and some Europeans. The Mongols didnt want Chinese people to rule because all they wanted from China was to generate revenue and have the people be cultivators. The Mongols governed and treated the Chinese and Persian people very differently. The Mongols political and economic control on Persia and China were alike In some ways and unalike in others. The treatment and tolerance of religions in China ere very similar to that In Persia. Yet, the administrative control in Persia differed than the administrative control In China. The Mongols had multiple methods of ruling conquered regions, none 0T wnlcn were very successTul. However, tnrougnout the Mongols rule, they facilitated trade and encouraged long distance communication throughout Eurasia, which led to cultural diffusion that can still be seen today. Additionally, the Mongols support of Islam helped establish its popularity and encouraged its spread, which has contributed to Islam being the fastest growing and second largest religion.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
My Living Room free essay sample
Affected by my mother hobby, I bought two small artificial flower bases to decorate for my room in Canada. Actually, before going to school I see them and feel very active to start with a new day. The living room is designed by my mother with a very big and warm sofa and a sofa table. There are six tea cups and a tea pot above the sofa table also. The whole tea pot is very beautiful and always used to welcome the guests who visit our home. My father has a collection of wines and he puts all kinds of wines to the sideboard. Furthermore, in the evening the lights will be turned on to make the sideboard shine sparklingly. They are very valuable to my father so my brother, sister and I hardly stand near that sideboard. Because we are afraid of broking them and sure we will be punished. We will write a custom essay sample on My Living Room or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When shopping in Superstore, I usually notice some kinds of wine which my father likes. I attend to buy some wine bottles for my father when I come back home to visit. Our family can enjoy singing karaoke or watching movies together with all modern facilities such as the amply, the big TV and the DVD player facilitated by my father. Last week, when I joined to a friend’s party, there was a big TV and we watched an action movie together. That reminded me to my familiar living room. And the best thing I like in the living room is my piano which always makes me feel relax when I have a pressure in life. I have played the piano since I was fifteen years old. While I am playing the piano, I feel happy so much and seem like all the stressful things are getting out of my head. So that sometimes I feel stressful I will play the piano. Here I don’t have the piano to play so I choose some classic songs played by piano to listen for entertainment. Besides, the whole living room is full of the painting oil pictures were painted by my sister. She enjoys painting so much and her pictures are wonderful. Before I come here, she gave me her favorite picture in order to hang in my room and I really appreciated her action. There is also a bookshelf with a lots of books and some of my passion books: Harry potter, Chicken soup†¦ My family member often spend spare times reading book here. Now I still keep the habit to read books before I go to sleep. I really miss my living room in my hometown and in the future if I can hire the house with a living room here I will decorate it the same with my hometown living room.
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