Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Besires Theory is Fully Consistant with the Humean View Essay -- Ethic
Conceptual One Humean see holds that inspiration requires convictions and wants, which are discrete and particular mental states. Convictions are arranged to fit the world, and wants are arranged to make the world fit them. This view is thought to take out besire hypothesis, as per which moral decisions have both a world-mind heading of fit by speaking to the moral realities of the issue, furthermore, a brain world course of fit by persuading activity in like manner. Here I contend that besires are completely predictable with the Humean see. The Humean view ought to be thrown at the degree of types, while besire hypothesis is bolstered by thoughtfulness on mental tokens. Existent Humean contentions against besires don't experience, and besire hypothesis stays a practical optionâ€indeed, the choice best bolstered by the evidenceâ€without dismissing the Humean see. 1 A Case for Besires As per the Humean perspective on inspiration, convictions alone can't spur. Agreeing besire theory,1 some first individual good (decisions of the structure ‘I ethically should ÃŽ ¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢) are both conviction like and want like in that they speak to things as they ethically may be, and inspire fitting activities. For instance, on besire hypothesis my judgment ‘I should visit my grandma in the hospital’ can both speak to a verifiable good commitment and persuade me to visit my grandma without the assistance of some different want type mental state. Could besire hypothesis be correct? Not under the Humean see, for on that see besire hypothesis erroneously characteristics motivationally hot, want like properties to a specific class of convictions. It would appear that our choices are exceptionally obliged: it is possible that we grasp the Humean see, and describe first individual good decisions as give a false representation of... ...o important associations between particular mental state tokens, simpliciter internalism involves besire hypothesis. 12 Shafer-Landau contends for a comparative position, however he calls a few convictions â€Å"intrinsically†persuading. Shafer-Landau 2004, 147-48. 13 Only when we consolidate besire hypothesis with an essentialist guarantee, for instance, that no state considers a besire except if it really persuades, do we get the outcome that ethical decisions essentially persuade. This essentialist guarantee is unreasonably solid for any craving type state, for even occurent, typical wants joined with significant methods related convictions can neglect to understand their practical job. 14 One may believe that the standard subjective perspective on moral decisions sidesteps the weight of indicating how moral inspiration falls flat, however subsequently gains the weight of clarifying the dependable association between moral decisions and inspiration.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Race and Human Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Race and Human Services - Essay Example The American culture is an away from of disparity along lines of race that establish the general public. This paper looks at how race influenced the circulation and access to assets. The examination utilizes the basic race hypothesis to clarify explanations behind poor social help for these networks and the impact it has had on the networks. Relevant factors on race The historical backdrop of race obviously uncovers that individuals turned out to be full society individuals on the off chance that they grew up inside the general public or received the society’s social standards. While for most social orders, participation to society depended on inborn or familial connection, physical attributes were additionally thought of. Skin shading especially has enormously affected enrollment to a general public. These physical attributes are thusly connected to good, learned and mental characteristics. Social orders will consistently allocate to their own the most elevated characteristic s while relegating lower characteristics to the pariahs. Social orders in American depend on races, which has prompted prejudice. Prejudice is the act of preventing a gathering from claiming individuals their privileges to assets and portrayal as a result of racial contrasts. Regulated prejudice includes utilization of social establishments, for example, training, social administrations, lodging, legal and the administration, which contact all parts of society (Loury, 2005). America contains different ethnic networks, a reality that has enormously prompted segregation of such networks as the Native Americans, African American and the Latina. The Native Americans involved America before the frontier period. The Europeans with an end goal to get to the American domain for land and its normal assets came about to slaughters, wars and constrained removal. The locals were additionally exposed to food rights limitations, burdens of arrangements; their property was grabbed from them and a lot more hardships. The European outsiders legitimized this treatment to generalizations, for example, the locals were â€Å"merciless Indian savages†and the show fate where the champions would get divine gift for the new land possession in the US (Hochschild and Weaver, 2007). The dislodged locals were consigned to reservations establishing 4 percent of the US region. The locals had to go to the private educational system that expected to cultivate them by showing them the pioneer economy, qualities and culture. Until this point in time, Native Americans are the most influenced by bigotry and remain monetarily burdened contrasted with different gatherings. The Native American race endures significant levels of self destruction and liquor abuse because of absence of future possibilities (Hochschild and Weaver, 2007). The African American is the subsequent gatherings influenced by bigotry. The European pioneers required work power to work in their tremendous estates. Court ad ministering in the 18 century permitted subjection towards dark Africans. Lawful segregation and regulated bigotry were solidified during the nineteenth century. Despite the fact that subjugation was abrogated through the fourteenth amendment and African Americans had the option to actually cast a ballot, many were exposed to demonstrations of dread, survey charges and biased laws that kept the African Americans disappointed particularly in the south (Wilson, 2011). Bigotry during this period was more awful than some other period previously or after. European incomparability,
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Statistics on Marijuana Use by Teens
Statistics on Marijuana Use by Teens Addiction Drug Use Marijuana Print Statistics on Teenage Marijuana Use By Amy Morin, LCSW facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our editorial policy Amy Morin, LCSW Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on November 09, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD on November 09, 2019 Doug Menuez / Photodisc / Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Marijuana Cocaine Heroin Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery Marijuana use is common among teens, yet, many parents still dont believe their teen would ever smoke pot. There are also many misconceptions about marijuanaâ€"especially now that medical marijuana is being used by many people with health conditions and several states are legalizing recreational pot use. Many parents also think pot must be harmless because they believe its a natural herb. But a review published in 2014 suggests marijuana can have harmful effects on a teens developing brain.?? Its important to understand how common marijuana use is among todays teens. Understanding the risks, dangers, facts, and statistics can help you address the issue with your teen. Statistics While a lengthy lecture isnt likely to be helpful, sharing a few statistics about marijuana could educate your teen about the risks and dangers. Here are a few statistics that might make your teen think twice about smoking pot: People who use marijuana prior to the age of 12 are twice as likely to experience a serious mental illness compared to those who first use marijuana at age 18 or older.Among persons aged 18 or older who reported lifetime marijuana use, almost 53 percent report first using marijuana between ages 12 and 17. About 2 percent report that they first used marijuana before age 12.In 2010, 21 percent of high school seniors used marijuana in the past 30 days, while 19 percent smoked cigarettes.Nineteen percent of teen drivers reports they have driven under the influence of marijuana.Marijuana accounts for 17 percent of admissions to treatment facilities in the United States, second only to opiates among illicit substances. Facts Marijuana is addictive. About 1 in 6 people who start using as a teen, and 25-50 percent of those who use it every day, become addicted to marijuana.??Marijuana and teen driving do not mix. It is the most common illegal drug found in drivers who die in accidents (around 14 percent of drivers), sometimes in combination with alcohol or other drugs.??Marijuana is most common drug among teens. More teenage girls use marijuana than cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and all other illicit drugs combined.Marijuana use may precede depression. Research from 2006 shows girls (ages 14-15) who used marijuana daily were 5 times more likely to face depression at age 21.?? Daily use in young women was associated with an over five-fold increase in the odds of reporting a state of depression and anxiety.Marijuana offenses carry serious legal consequences. Although the laws vary greatly by state and country, some regions impose very strict consequences for teenage offenders. Talk to Your Teen Dont wait for your teen to bring up the subject of marijuana. Start a conversation today. Find out what your teen knows already and be prepared to share the facts. Take steps to build credibility so your teen will value what you have to say. Discuss the dangers of using marijuana and make sure your teen fully understands the risks. Hold ongoing conversations about the dangers of marijuana use. Discuss changes in the law or bring up the subject when there are stories about marijuana in the news. Find out what your teen is hearing from other sources too. Friends, social media, and other websites often promote marijuana and they may give your teen false information about drugs. Its important for you to be able to provide factual information.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Honor Killings or Shame Killings in Asia
In many of the countries of South Asia and the Middle East, women can be targeted by their own families for death in what is known as â€Å"honor killings.†Often the victim has acted in a way that seems unremarkable to observers from other cultures; she has sought a divorce, refused to go through with an arranged marriage, or had an affair. In the most horrifying cases, a woman who suffers a rape then gets murdered by her own relatives. Yet, in highly patriarchal cultures, these actions – even being the victim of a sexual assault – are often seen as a blot on the honor and the reputation of the woman’s entire family, and her family may decide to maim or kill her. A woman (or rarely, a man) does not have to actually break any cultural taboos in order to become an honor killing victim. Just the suggestion that she has behaved inappropriately may be enough to seal her fate, and her relatives will not give her a chance to defend herself before carrying out the execution. In fact, women have been killed when their families knew they were completely innocent; just the fact that rumors had started going around was enough to dishonor the family, so the accused woman had to be killed. Writing for the United Nations, Dr. Aisha Gill defines an honor killing or honor violence as: ...any form of violence perpetrated against females within the framework of patriarchal family structures, communities, and/or societies, where the main justification for the perpetration of violence is the protection of a social construction of ‘honour’ as a value-system, norm, or tradition. In some cases, however, men may also be victims of honor killing, particularly if they are suspected of being homosexual, or if they refuse to marry the bride selected for them by their family. Honor killings take many different forms, including shooting, strangling, drowning, acid attacks, burning, stoning, or burying the victim alive. What is the justification for this horrific intrafamilial violence? A report published by Canada’s Department of Justice quotes Dr. Sharif Kanaana of Birzeit University, who notes that honor killing in Arab cultures is not solely or even primarily about controlling a woman’s sexuality, per se. Rather, Dr. Kanaana states: What the men of the family, clan, or tribe seek control of in a patrilineal society is reproductive power. Women for the tribe were considered a factory for making men. The honor killing is not a means to control sexual power or behavior. What’s behind it is the issue of fertility, or reproductive power. Interestingly, honor murders are usually carried out by the fathers, brothers, or uncles of the victims – not by husbands. Although in a patriarchal society, wives are seen as the property of their husbands, any alleged misbehavior reflects dishonor on their birth families rather than their husbands’ families. Thus, a married woman who is accused of transgressing cultural norms is usually killed by her blood relatives. How did this tradition begin? Honor killing today is often associated in western minds and media with Islam, or less commonly with Hinduism, because it happens most often in Muslim or Hindu countries. In fact, it is a cultural phenomenon separate from religion. First, let’s consider the sexual mores embedded in Hinduism. Unlike the major monotheistic religions, Hinduism does not consider sexual desire to be unclean or evil in any way, although sex just for the sake of lust is frowned upon. However, as with all other issues in Hinduism, questions such as the appropriateness of extramarital sex depend in large part upon the caste of the persons involved. It was never appropriate for a Brahmin to have sexual relations with a low caste person, for example. Indeed, in the Hindu context, most honor killings have been of couples from very different castes who fell in love. They might be killed for refusing to marry a different partner chosen by their families, or for secretly marrying the partner of their own choice. Premarital sex was also a taboo for Hindu women, in particular, as shown by the fact that brides are always referred to as â€Å"maidens†in the Vedas. In addition, boys from the Brahmin caste were strictly forbidden from breaking their celibacy, usually until around the age of 30. They were required to devote their time and energy to priestly studies, and avoid distractions such as young women. We could find no historical record of young Brahmin men being killed by their families if they strayed from their studies and sought the pleasures of the flesh. Honor Killing and Islam In the pre-Islamic cultures of the Arabian Peninsula and also of what is now Pakistan and Afghanistan, society was highly patriarchal. A woman’s reproductive potential belonged to her birth family and could be â€Å"spent†any way they chose – preferably through a marriage that would strengthen the family or clan financially or militarily. However, if a woman brought so-called dishonor on that family or clan, by allegedly engaging in premarital or extramarital sex (whether consensual or not), her family had the right to â€Å"spend†her future reproductive capacity by killing her. When Islam developed and spread throughout this region, it actually brought a different perspective on this question. Neither the Koran itself nor the hadiths make any mention of honor killing, good or bad. Extra-judicial killings, in general, are forbidden by sharia law; this includes honor killings because they are carried out by the victim’s family, rather than by a court of law. This is not to say that the Koran and sharia condone premarital or extramarital relationships. Under the most common interpretations of sharia, premarital sex is punishable by up to 100 lashes for both men and women, while adulterers of either gender can be stoned to death. Nonetheless, today many men in Arab nations such as ​Saudi Arabia, ​Iraq, and Jordan, as well as in Pashtun areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan, adhere to the tradition of honor killing rather than taking the accused persons to court. It is notable that in other predominantly Islamic nations, such as Indonesia, Senegal, Bangladesh, Niger, and Mali, honor killing is a practically unknown phenomenon. This strongly supports the idea that honor killing is a cultural tradition, rather than a religious one. Impact of Honor Killing Culture The honor killing cultures that were born in pre-Islamic Arabia and South Asia have a world-wide impact today. Estimates of the number of women murdered each year in honor killings range from the United Nations’ 2000 estimate of about 5,000 dead to a BBC report’s estimate based on humanitarian organizations’ counts of more than 20,000. Growing communities of Arab, Pakistani, and Afghan people in western countries also means that the issue of honor killings is making itself felt across Europe, the US, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. High-profile cases, such as the 2009 murder of an Iraqi-American woman named Noor Almaleki, have horrified western observers. According to a CBS News report on the incident, Almaleki was raised in Arizona from the age of four and was highly westernized. She was independent-minded, liked to wear blue jeans, and, at age 20, had moved out of her parents’ home and was living with her boyfriend and his mother. Her father, enraged that she had rejected an arranged marriage and moved in with her boyfriend, ran her over with his minivan and killed her. Incidents like Noor Almaleki’s murder, and similar killings in Britain, Canada, and elsewhere, highlight an additional danger for the female children of immigrants from honor killing cultures. Girls who acculturate to their new countries – and most children do – are extremely vulnerable to honor attacks. They absorb the ideas, attitudes, fashions, and social mores of the western world. As a result, their fathers, uncles, and other male relatives feel that they are losing the family honor because they no longer have control over the girls’ reproductive potential. The outcome, in too many cases, is murder. Sources Julia Dahl. â€Å"Honor killing under growing scrutiny in the U.S.,†CBS News, April 5, 2012. Department of Justice, Canada. â€Å"Historical Context – Origins of Honour Killing,†Preliminary Examination of so-called â€Å"Honour Killings†in Canada, Sept. 4, 2015. Dr. Aisha Gill. â€Å"Honour Killings and the Quest for Justice in Black and Minority Ethnic Communities in the UK,†United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women. June 12, 2009. â€Å"Honor Violence Factsheet,†Honor Diaries. Accessed May 25, 2016. Jayaram V. â€Å"Hinduism and Premarital Relationships,† Accessed May 25, 2016. Ahmed Maher. â€Å"Many Jordan teenagers ‘support honour killings,†BBC News. June 20, 2013.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Stages Of Piaget s Development Theory - 1500 Words
This essay is concerned with the Concrete Operational Stage of Piaget’s development theory, which he described as â€Å"a major turning point in a child’s cognitive development as it is the beginning of logical thought processes†(Piaget, 1954). This typically occurs between seven and eleven years of age. It will describe the developmental tests used to evidence development and evaluate the strengths and weakness of the theory in relation to the stage and tests used. During this stage, children develop and are able to use logical reasoning as long as it can be applied to concrete and specific examples they are familiar with, such as their own experiences and people, places and objects they know and have experienced however, abstract thought and â€Å"what if†scenarios are still beyond their thinking. They are able to understand conservation, which Mcleod.S.A (2010) defines as understanding that something remains the same even though its appearance changes, which coincides with the development of reversibility and knowing that numbers/object appearances can be changed and then returned to their original condition with no lasting effects. It is a mental process which allows the reversal of a chain of events or restoration of a changed state to original condition (Piaget,J Inhelder,B. 1956). Their classification skills increase allowing objects to be grouped by mass, weight, height and colour and class inclusion develops, enabling the child to further separate the classified groups ofShow MoreRelatedPiaget s Theory Of The Stages Of Development Essay955 Words  | 4 Pagesamount or mass. In Piaget’s theory, he describes that during the pre-operational stage of development children are often incapable of understanding the concept of conservation, the ages in this stage generally range from 2-6 years old (Siegler Alibali, 2005). It isn’t until the concrete operational stage that children have the ability to understand conservation. During this stage children range from the ages of 7- 12 years old. In order to observe the changes in between stages, I chose to administerRead MorePiaget s Stages Of Cognitive Development Theory900 Words  | 4 PagesThe cognitive development theory refers to the ability to learn through thinking and reasoning. Theorist Jean Piaget developed the stages of cognitive developmental according to age and how individuals learn through their environment and senses. These stages are from infant to teenage years. The first stage of Piaget’s Stages of Development is called Sensorimotor, which are ages 0-2. It describes how babies learn through their environment. The Next stages is preoperational for ages two through sevenRead MoreCritically Evaluate Piaget s Stage Theory Of Cognitive Development1605 Words  | 7 Pagesevaluate Piaget’s stage theory of cognitive development Jean Piaget’s (1896-1980) theory of cognitive development is considered of significant importance and use, so much so, there has been considerable research to test his theories, but also, to refute his claims. Despite numerous objections to Piaget’s findings, I will maintain that Piaget’s stage theory of cognitive development is continuously influential in contemporary psychology. I will briefly outline and explain Piaget’s four stages and due toRead MorePiaget s Stage Theory Account For Children s Cognitive Development1759 Words  | 8 PagesHow well does Piaget’s stage theory account for children’s cognitive development? Intro Piaget believed there were four stages in a child’s cognitive development and sub stages within these stages. These stages have been the object of debate since Piaget introduced them and are still continuously debated. All of the stages are very concrete and large scale. They don’t account for children at a particular age who are behind or ahead. Piaget underestimated the capability of children to do particularRead MorePiaget s Eight Stages Of Development And Vygotsky s Theory On Cognitive Development Essay2193 Words  | 9 Pagesthrough life has helped me to understand that everything that happens is just apart of life. Two theories that I would like to focus on that I believe have had the biggest impact in my life are, Erikson’s eight stages of development and Vygotsky’s theory on cognitive development. Erikson’s theory is based off of 8 stages ranging from ages â€Å"zero†(birth); where we learn to either trust our caregiver(s) or we develop mistrust where we may become suspicious or anxious. Up until death, where we end withRead MorePiaget s Theory Of Cognitive Development And Kohlberg s Stages Of Moral Development1439 Words  | 6 Pageslife stages that I focused on are: Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development and Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development. According to psychologist Jean Piaget, kids progress through a progression of four basis phases of cognitive advancement. Every stage is stamped by the movements in how children comprehend the world. Following his perceptions, he reasoned that children were not less intelligent than adults, they sim ply think in an unexpected way. Through his perceptions of his kids, Piaget builtRead MoreHow Does Piaget s Stage Theory Account For Children s Cognitive Development?1576 Words  | 7 PagesHow does Piaget’s stage theory account for children’s cognitive development? Jean Piaget (1896-1980) had a stage theory about cognitive development and how it works with children. There are 4 stages to this theory; sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational. Piaget emphasised that they occur in this order. (Smith, Cowie, Blades, 2015, p. 446). He considered the fact that the way child’s mind develops, intellectually, is a continuous process of Assimilation and AccommodationRead MorePiaget vs. Vygotsky1120 Words  | 5 PagesThe theory of cognitive development is defined as the development of the ability to think and reason. There are many theorists who have studied cognitive theories and the most famous is Jean Piaget. Cognitive development covers the physical and emotional stages of a child. The basic premise for cognitive development is to show the different stages of the development of a child so you can understand where the child might be in their development. Understanding cognitive development will betterRead MoreDiscuss Piagets theory of cognitive development1235 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Discuss Piaget’s theory of Cognitive Development Cognitive Development can be defined as the development of thought processes. This includes thinking, concept understanding, problem solving, and decision making and remembering from childhood on to adulthood. There are two theories of Cognitive development that offer us two different ways of understanding it. The first is called Domain general. This theory states that one line of development determines all of the changes in a child’sRead MoreOutline the main similarities and differences between Piaget‚Äà ´s and Vygotsky‚Äà ´s explanations for cognitive development in children1702 Words  | 7 Pagesfor cognitive development in children. Piaget and Vygotsky were both, looking into the same period of cognitive development in infants and children and sharing the same basic concerns. Piaget (1896-1980) developing his theory slightly earlier than Vygotsky (1896-1934) who worked to show that there were certain flaws in Piaget s theory of genetic epistemology. Vogotsky and his social-cultural theory of cognitive development might be seen as the Soviet counterpart to Piaget s western individualist
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Myers-Briggs Paper Free Essays
Mallory Simpson Psych 101: Myers-Briggs Paper Professor Baker 8/13/12 After taking the Myers-Briggs test, I am not at all surprised by the results I was given. 67% introvert is what I was distinctively ranked for personality type and I couldn’t agree more. Next on the list was 44% judging. We will write a custom essay sample on Myers-Briggs Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now This particular one leaves me wondering what type of judging? Is it being a judgmental person, or rather judging between the pros and cons of something, or maybe judging based on intuition or discernment. I think that a lot of people that know me would agree with this aspect also. 8% was the score for feeling. Although I agree with the order of the results, I would also put feeling number one. I am most definitely a feeling person. I would assume that this goes along with emotions also. Not only am I worried about how I may feel about a particular situation, I often wonder how the other person may feel as well. Lastly on the list I scored a 25% for sensing. When I think about the difference between an introvert and an extrovert, I think the biggest difference is the ability to sit back, relax, and see the bigger picture. A lot of introverts are quiet and observant and able to see things that an outgoing, always on the go, loud and talkative extrovert may miss. Of course, this may not be the case for every opposite, but I think for the majority it is true. An extrovert has the advantage to get out and seize the opportunity that an introvert may miss which is the biggest positive I see for an extrovert. The Myers-Briggs test was very insightful for me. â€Å"The wise of heart will receive commandments, but a babbling fool will come to ruin. †–Proverbs 10:8 How to cite Myers-Briggs Paper, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Being a Doctor free essay sample
What exactly do they do and why is there so much prestige associated with that profession? Well, according to the American Heritage Dictionary. a doctor is a person, especially a physician, dentist, or veterinarian, trained in the healing arts and licensed to practice. According to me, a doctor is much more than that. Nice intro. Ever since I can remember, I have always dreamt of a career in medicine and the reason is not for something small like money or prestige. The reason that I want to become a doctor is the satisfaction that I would get from knowing that I made a ifference In someones life. When one is a doctor, people look up to that Individual when they are at their weakest point, and when they have no one else because a doctor helps maintain a sense of hope for the patient and his or her family. Knowing that I will be the person people turn to on their most unforgettable days, when there Is no other hope and it will be my responsibility to solve their problem and possibly save a life gives me satisfaction that has much more value than any amount of money. We will write a custom essay sample on Being a Doctor or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page From the day I was born, I have never accepted failure. My parents would always tell e how when I was younger and did not know how to tie my shoes I would sit on the couch for hours trying to teach myself how to do it and ask my mom why I could not do it but everyone else could. I believe that the three most important qualities, which possess and can make a great doctor, are having empathy, being a good listener, and being compassionate. Doctors must be able to listen to their patients problems and fully understand them by putting themselves Into the patients position. I believe that having a good connection with patients and being able to talk to people are the ost important qualities that all doctors must possess in order to be effective. Many Instances In my life have reiterated my decision to become a doctor. Of all instances, one profoundly sticks out and has had the greatest influence on me becoming a doctor. The moment that has had the greatest influence on me is when I travelled to a remote village in India. Many of the people there were sick and malnourished but could not receive the help that they desperately sought from any type of medical professional. By seeing these people the one thing that I always anted to do was return there with some sort of help and possibly educate them or at least solve a few of their problems. It is from people like that from which I have gained my true love of medicine and what It can do for people. This paragraph would be more appropriate towards the beginning of the essay, rather than the end. As it is, there is no conclusion wrapping the essay up. Find a better spot for this section earlier on, and use this area for your conclusion. ) Being a Doctor By vdkJc What is a doctor? What exactly do they do and why is there so much prestige associated with that profession? Well, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, difference in someones life. When one is a doctor, people look up to that individual is no other hope and it will be my responsibility to solve their problem and possibly I possess and can make a great doctor, are having empathy, being a good listener, and fully understand them by putting themselves into the patients position. I believe Many instances in my life have reiterated my decision to become a doctor. Of all travelled toa remote village in India. Many of the people there were sick and gained my true love of medicine and what it can do for people. (This paragraph
Thursday, March 26, 2020
American Association of Retired Persons
American Association of Retired Persons Introduction Social organizations refer to social institutions that are established to serve a specified task usually in the interest of the society at large. Over the years social organizations and groups have played important role in enlightening and mobilizing individuals over various issues facing the society hence contributing to society transformation. In the United States, these groups have significantly influenced the way of life as well as governance.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on American Association of Retired Persons specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More American association of retired persons (AARP) is one of the leading global organizations whose purpose constitutes promotion of positive social change in society. It was founded in 1958 at a time when the elderly experienced a lot of difficulties while acquiring life insurance. John Rother, the organization’s vice president for policy, strat egy and international affairs, approximates the number of members aged fifty and above to be over four million (AARP, 2010). This organization does not approach aging as a negative component in the society but analyses the world ageing demographics as the driving force to enhance transformation of the social policy that aim at improving the quality of life among people of all generations and all ages (AARP, 2010). The organization supports and promotes the ageing process all over the world through encouraging aging members to reside in places that promote decent living with affordable housing and accessible services, empowering and encouraging individuals to maintain their health and productivity, as well as promoting policies that provide healthy older people with opportunities to continue contributing towards the work force (AARP, 2010). This helps the older generation to maintain a source of income and provides diversity in the labor market. The organization further believes impr oved standards of living are directly related to longer lifespan. AARP provides an opportunity in which diverse societies can share the challenges and opportunities encountered as the members advance in age (AARP, 2010). The organization deals with issues that relate to improvement of the overall welfare of the population that is advancing in term of age and advocates for issues such as the elderly population access to affordable health care. In addition, the organization advocates for availability of retirement security through pension schemes as well as ensuring a firm background for traditional informal support system and creating effective policies around the global aging agenda (AARP, 2010).Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Improved welfare among the elderly people in the society is associated with economic growth, social equity in distribution of resource s as well as ecological maintenance and preservation which are the key pillars of overall development in any society (AARP, 2010). AARP is a secondary social group whose functions are geared towards achieving high quality of life among the population. The organization has significantly transformed the attitude of Americans towards old age. National association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP) is a civil rights organization that diligently fights for the social justice of the minority groups in America. It was founded in 1909 and it’s the largest of its kind in the United States (NAACP, 2010). Ever since 1941, the organization has been the driving force behind civil rights advocacy in the United States. The organization spearheaded the enactment of 1964 civil rights act, the voting rights passed in 1965, and the1968 fair housing act among other achievements. It aims at promoting voting and voter education among the youth as a way of airing their preferences as wel l as promoting voting rights (NAACP, 2010). The organization further focuses on diverse issues such as climate change facing the country e.g. the hurricane Katrina. It has established climate justice initiative that was created for the purpose of mobilizing and educating people on the climate issue to enable them address the problem of climate change facing the society (NAACP, 2010). The organization has also devised mechanisms to uplift civil and human rights as they relate to economic opportunities (NAACP, 2010). It aims at ensuring that there is just and fair allocation of resources as the country embarks on a road towards economic recovery. It further promotes national education program by ensuring that American students have access to equal and high quality public education by discouraging racial and ethnic disparities prevalent in public institutions (NAACP, 2010). This organization is also a secondary social group whose aim is promoting the rights of the minority groups in Am erica. Bureaucratic Characteristics of Organizations The above bureaucratic organizations are characterized by division of labor where all tasks are classified into highly specialized fields which are allocated to qualified personnel (Lunenburg, 2007). The organizations also have an outlined hierarchy of authority that flows from the board of directors to the employees through senior staff. Bureaucracies are characterized by Impersonality (Lunenburg, 2007) which checks favorism and prejudice among staff members. In these institutions, recruitment, employment and promotions are based on competence and qualification and every task in the organizations is governed by outlined rules to ensure uniformity.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on American Association of Retired Persons specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, extensive division of labor kills innovation and promotes monotony. Reliance to rules in these s tructures often results in inertia and rigidity and the organizations practically promote downward communication only. Conclusion Social groups play an important role in the society as they strive to ensure that the rights of individuals are not violated against. To ensure their effectiveness, the government and the society should support them in their activities. However, the organization should minimize bureaucratic procedures in order to achieve better results. Reference List Lunenburg, F. E. Ornstein, A. C (2007). Educational administration: Concepts and practices, NY: Cengage learning publishers. NAACP (2010). Advocacy and issues. Official website. Web. Rother, J. (2010). Aging as a global issue. AARP. Web.
Friday, March 6, 2020
The Great ha-jin essays
The Great ha-jin essays Ha Jin has written many unique stories that have influenced a large number of readers. One of his more popular stories, The Bridegroom dealt with the controversial topic of homosexuality and how we, as humans, should deal with this important issue. Jins short stories, The Bridegroom were published in 2000 (Weich). There are twelve short stories in The Bridegroom and three of them were selected for The Best American Short Stories (Thomas). In the title story, he writes about the authors adopted daughter who gets married to a handsome guy but he turns out to be a homosexual (Jin). The Bridegroom is an interesting story because it keeps the reader wondering what will happen at the end of the story. Claire Messud of The New York Times believes that this story was a great pleasure. She also believes that Ha Jin has an excellent storytelling talent. I thought the story was different because of the cultural background. I like the way Jin narrated the story and then suddenly added a twist. The Bridegroom is a very unusual story. The story is based on the authors son-in-law and his adopted daughter. The story starts of with Beina (adopted daughter of the author), who is having a hard time finding a boyfriend (Jin 91). Then, all of a sudden a guy by the name of Huang asks her to marry him (Jin 91). Later in the story, Huang gets arrested for the crime of homosexuality (Jin 95). Huangs father in law decides to put him in a mental hospital with the hope of curing him but it turns out that he can never be cured. Jin describes Huang as very kind and handsome man (92). He also points out that Huang was so handsome that all the girls in the authors factory were jealous of Beina when Huang asked her to marry him (Jin 92). He says that Huang is so handsome that he was surprised when Huang asked his daughter, Bein...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Engineering Hydrology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Engineering Hydrology - Essay Example As a consulting engineering hydrologist, the information that is necessary in the successful implementation of this development plan is the information concerning the nature of the River Boyd. Rivers are classified as either perennial, ephemeral, and intermittent. All these classifications are brought about by base flow or storm flow and river discharge. The various methods used for river flow analysis depends on the relative frequency, duration of certain river levels, and duration of low and high flows. The discharge (Q) or stream flow of the river is the amount of water flowing in the river. More precisely, these terms are used for the volume of water that flows through a given point of the river and they combine storm flow and base flow. The points along the cross-sectional flow area and the water velocity are referred to as measurement point for discharge or stream flow. Some of the methods which are used in determination of river flow analysis are (Hauer & Gary, 2007); Floating objects methods This method takes into consideration the time taken by a floating object to cover a certain distance. All the measurements for the cross-sectional flow of the river should be done simultaneously. The formula to be used here is Q = VA where Q is discharge (m3/sec), V is river velocity (m/sec), and A is the cross-sectional area of the river (m2). The limitation of this method is that it is not accurate more so for very wide rivers such as River Boyd with approximate width of 11 m. This is because the velocity of the river keeps on varying from one point to another due to depth and cross-sectional area of the stream. Stream gauging method In this method, the cross-sectional area of the river is subdivided into proportional vertical... This essay stresses that the successful development of tinning factory requires proper understanding of the flow analysis of River Boyd. As a consulting engineering hydrologist, the information that is necessary in the successful implementation of this development plan is the information concerning the nature of the River Boyd. Rivers are classified as either perennial, ephemeral, and intermittent. All these classifications are brought about by base flow or storm flow and river discharge. The various methods used for river flow analysis depends on the relative frequency, duration of certain river levels, and duration of low and high flows. The discharge (Q) or stream flow of the river is the amount of water flowing in the river. More precisely, these terms are used for the volume of water that flows through a given point of the river and they combine storm flow and base flow. The points along the cross-sectional flow area and the water velocity are referred to as measurement point fo r discharge or stream flow. This method takes into consideration the time taken by a floating object to cover a certain distance. All the measurements for the cross-sectional flow of the river should be done simultaneously. This paper makes a conclusion that river flow analysis is can be best determined through the use of stream gauging method. This is because this method is accurate and convenient. Before setting up tinning factory, the management should ensure that they gather valuable information from Environmental Agency regarding underground drainage.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Mgt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Mgt - Essay Example It would help address the issue and accelerate change within and across industries. This is highly relevant because it promotes collective action and wider perspectives of the issue with long-term ramifications on environment. Sustainability is inherently linked with people that integrate vital elements of socio-cultural and economic paradigms. Thus, environmental issues also become part of socio-economic issues that impact the wider welfare of the society or people. Stephen Ritz, Bronx Green Machine has stressed that businesses need to recognize sustainable efforts are not standalone issues but businesses play important role in society and their proactive participation in social issues becomes significant catalyst for changes within society. Food sustainability and food chain link key ingredients of natural resources that are finite and raise pertinent concern regarding greater consumption of energy, natural resource use and waste within the broader precinct of food sustainability. Population growth has led to more consumption of food and production of food on limited land results in greater environmental stress. Sarah Alexander believes that innovative measures that influence food system and awareness about food sustainability across the globe are important factors for ensuring sustainability of resources and their judicious use. Thus, environmental trends bring about changes within the system so it must become intrinsic part of work culture rather a temporary
Monday, January 27, 2020
Canadas benefits of globalisation
Canadas benefits of globalisation Throughout many years the issue of Globalization has been around and has only been uprising to a broader term. Globalization has impacted everyone from Europe too North America, everyone around the Globe. However, even though the term globalization in modern times is distinct from what it may have been years ago, it has still been around. One country in particular that has been coming more into familiarity with globalization is Canada and many Canadians have debated whether globalization is good or bad for the country. By definition globalization is the growth to a global or worldwide scale. Globalization describes an ongoing process by which regional economies, societies and cultural have become integrated through a globe spanning network of communication and trade. The term also refers equally to political, social, cultural, and environmental interdependence. Within the political aspect, globalization means that the governments are increasingly implicated in events that occur well beyond their own borders. When looking at the cultural aspect, globalization can mean the connection between us and learning other cultures by traveling and learning other languages. The Term globalization has many meaning to it but this is because it is a very important factor that has and will continue to affects us all. Globalization affecting everyone around the globe, and Canada is no exception. Communication technology is only improving in our time and will continue to do so in Canada especially. More Canadians are getting use to the new forms of keeping in touch with each other. Lastly, over the past 20 years Canada has been benefited from globalization politically, economically and culturally through the infinite opportunities and new life style we have been adapting to. Globalization by definition refers to the process of increased interconnectedness among countries around the world, which is noticeable mainly through the areas of economics, politics and culture. It is affecting everyone around the globe, and Canada is no exception. Canadians, have been up to date with the latest technology, news updates and are also showing new movies that have been produced and filmed in other countries, in our theatres. When studying and trying to break down globalization it is important to know that there are a variety of aspects to it. The many spheres consist of Globalization and workplace, politic, social, culture and environment. Globalization and Workplace means that many Canadians work for companies with operations in a number of countries around the world. Politics globalization means that governments are increasingly impacted in events that occur well beyond their own boarders. Next we have the Social sphere. The social sphere of globalization means that friendships and family ties extend around the world and that our neighbors come from half a dozen different countries, speak different languages, and worship different religions. An example of this is when Canadians shop they are typically more than likely purchasing things that have been imported from other different countries around the world. The culture sphere is yet another form of globalization. Here it means that some Hollywood movies are as popular in Europe as they are in Los Angeles. The culture sphere also refers to more communication and contact with each other and our cultures, through doing activities such as; vacationing and travelling, reading magazines and books from around the world which also may be in different languages. A modern example of this is when people use Facebook. Facebook allows us to keep in touch with each other from around the globe. Lastly, is the environment sphere. We are increasingly aware that how we use natural resources-air, water, land, mi nerals, trees, and fish in one corner of the world has significant implications for the rest of the planet. For example a quick spread of a disease such as HIV or AIDS, can affect us quickly in any part of the world. (Skinner, 278-280). As the years go by communication technology has played a vast role in globalization. As described previously globalization is the interconnection between people, countries, around the world. Communication Technology does that exactly, it keeps Canadians and others around the world interconnected through the lasted technology inventions/developments. According to the article Globalization provides a better life for all globalization is a beneficial process that has been in our lives through any years. Mainly because of the positive and long term benefit it provides. This includes prosperity, security and enrichment. It transformed North America from an agrarian to an industrial society and is the primary reason why Canadians enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world. (Graham, 1-2) This is exactly the form of how Canadians keep in touch with one another and others around the world in modern times. Web sites such as; Facebook, MySpace, Hotmail and so on, are all a much r eliable way for Canadians to socialize with friends and as well as find out the latest news about events occurring within the country and outside. An example of how interconnect Canadians have become through the years is the fact that one in four of them having Facebook. Nearly 8 million Canadians more than one in four have a Facebook profile page. (Sorensen, 1). This is according to a study done by Toronto-based Solutions Research Group. This shows just how Canadians are becoming more and more reliable yet interconnected by the new communication technology, through Facebook a global socializing website. This makes Canadians between the most connected in the global socializing site in the world. In addition, since there are countless new technologies in the communication field, Canadians are discovering that it is much easier to communicate faster and more efficiently. Some individuals are finding ways to put into practice new communication technologies in a fraction of their lives. For example, students at school are using devices such as scanners, web cameras, and various networks to increase their own interest and skills. In the business and working field society is using devices such as the Internet, e-mail and fax machines to become more productive. Meanwhile the individuals who are at home are using communication technology devices such as television with satellites and cell phones, in an exaggerated way to be entertained. Globalization has also affected Canada politically, economically, and culturally. Canada has been considered to be a much stable democracy; it has been ranked the third most self-governing nation in its democracy index. However because Canada is such a democratic country it is important for the government to use the means of communication to help run the nation whenever there are any issues or in terms of immigration and imports from other countries. Canada has also been known to help out other countries that need help in times of need. An example of this is when the earthquake of January 2010 hit Haiti. The Canadian government sent out thousands of Canadian soldiers and funds to help out Haiti, showing just how politics do play a role in globalization as well. Globalization in the economical aspect is the understanding of a worldwide general market, based on the freedom of exchange of goods and resources. The interconnectedness of these markets, however, meant that an economic subside in one area could impact other areas. With globalization, companies can produce goods and services in the lowest cost location. This may cause jobs to be moved to locations that have the lowest wages, least worker protection and lowest health benefits. For manufacturing activities this may cause production to move to areas with the least pollution regulations or worker safety regulations. One Canadian article states the following; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦only those countries that have opened their economies to international trade, capital flows and competitions have experienced economic progress. (Graham, 1). It is beneficial to the Canadian economy, as well as the world economy, because it is allowing Canadian corporations to spread business around the world, in othe r countries for cheap and at the same time it allows closure for Canadian made products. Finally, within the cultural aspect of globalization it is evident that here is where mainly everyone can connect with each other not only through communication technology but through the different types of culture. An obvious example of this is when individuals take place when we travel to different countries on vacations and when we practice different cultures in our nation, or learn and speak different languages from other countries and cultures. Furthermore, once again globalization refers equally to political, economical, social, cultural, and environmental interdependence. It is affecting everyone around the globe, and Canada is no exception. Contact with one another through the new communication technology is only improving in our time and will continue to do so, especially in a country that has high luxury standards like Canada. More Canadians are getting use to the new forms of keeping in touch with each other. Lastly, over the past 20 years Canada has been benefited from globalization politically, economically and culturally through the infinite opportunities and new life style we have been adapting to.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Alternative Medicine Essay 9
Abstract This paper is going to educate the reader about Alternative and Complementary Medicine which is also known as CAM. The paper will define Alternative and Complementary Medicine or CAM and compare it to conventional medicine. The main focus of the paper will be examining the different types of CAM. The types of CAM will be broken into five different groups which are : Whole or Alternative Medical Systems, Mind-Body Medicine, Biologically Based Practices, Manipulative and Body-Based Practices, and Energy Medicine. The reader will read about many mainstream practices such as Chiropractic and Physical therapy as well as many less popular practices such as Color Therapy and Reiki. The paper will also briefly discuss my personal opinion and interest of CAM as well as CAM related to health insurance CAM – Alternative and Complementary Medicine Millions of people in the United States suffer from a chronic illness of some kind. A chronic illness is a long-term condition for which there seems to be no cure such as arthritis, allergies, high blood pressure, digestive problems and back pain. Most of the time people that live with chronic illness use conventional medicine, which is taught to medical students in medical schools throughout the world and is based on science and clinical research and most treatments have scientific evidence of their effectiveness but others use Alternative medicine. Alternative medicine has many different origins and philosophies, comes from many different cultures and involves many different practices. Alternative medicine is used for treatment, preventive health care, health maintenance or to enhance well being. There are several established alternative therapies that have earned respectability because they are effective. Methods such as chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture and homeopathy are well researched and their practitioners are well trained and have come to be widely accepted. There are also literally hundreds of other types of alternative treatments that, on the surface seem to be a bit bizarre and are less main stream. The list of what is considered alternative medicine changes often as therapies are proven safe and effective and become adopted into conventional health care. Patients with a terminal illness such as cancer, often turn to alternative medicine after conventional medical treatment has failed them or vice versa. An example of alternative medicine in this case would be using a special diet for cancer treatment instead of or after radiation or chemotherapy. In some cases alternative medicine and conventional medicine can be used together. When this occurs it is called Complementary medicine. An example of this would be when physical therapy is used to rehabilitate a patient after surgery. The use of Complementary Methods and Alternative Medicine is often referred to as CAM and includes a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine (CAM Overview : NCCAM). The chart below show the percentage of adults and children in the U. S who are using some form of CAM (2007 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) results : NCCAM). [pic] It is unfortunate that at this time that even though there are so many people using different forms of alternative medicine, health insurance coverage is not very good at all. Mainstream forms of alternative medicine such as physical therapy is usually covered to some degree by insurance providers but not usually to the level of conventional medicine. Less popular forms of alternative medicine is usually not covered at all. As these practices become more proven and effective providers should be forced to provide more coverage to their customers. It will be interesting to see how the potential new universal healthcare system will or will not incorporate alternative medicine. This could be one of the key factors that influence politicians and the people on this issue. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is a government agency that monitors scientific research on alternative medicines and keeps the public informed on the results of alternative medicine research studies. The NCCAM divides alternative therapies into five major groups: Whole or Alternative Medical Systems – These type of medical systems are some of the most common and often come from complex treatments based upon theories that often have evolved over centuries and often in eastern countries such as China, Korea and India. Examples of these types of systems include Acupuncture, Homeopathic medicine, and Naturopathic medicine. According to (NCCAM) the term â€Å"acupuncture†describes a family of procedures involving the stimulation of anatomical points on the body using a variety of techniques. The acupuncture technique that has been most often studied scientifically involves penetrating the skin with thin, solid, metallic needles that are manipulated by the hands or by electrical stimulation. Acupuncture is regulated by the FDA all practitioners must be licensed and abide by the rules and regulations in regards to the use of needles which are set by the FDA. Acupuncture is pretty safe and there have not been many major incidents reported to the FDA. Most of the time if there is a problem it has to do with the sterilization of needles but there is also the risk of punctured organs http://nccam. nih. gov/health/acupuncture (Acupuncture : NCCAM). Homeopathy or Homeopathic medicine seeks to stimulate the body's ability to heal itself by giving very small doses of highly diluted substances. This technique was developed in Germany more than 200 years ago by Samuel Hahnemenn. Homeopathic practitioners believe that these highly diluted solutions can be powerful medicines and can cure various diseases and illnesses such as the common cold, digestive problems, influenza, hay fever, and earaches. Remedies can be taken as a powder, a pill or a liquid, can be rubbed into the skin or injected. There are usually no side effects although sometimes a patient may feel worse before he feels better (Homeopathy : NCCAM). Naturopathic Medicine focuses on supporting health rather than combating disease. Naturopathic medicine uses the healing power of nature to maintain and restore health (Naturopathy : NCCAM). The use of natural treatments is to get to the root of the problem and what actually created the problem in the first place. Its goal is to create a healthy inner body and outer body. Believers claim naturopathic medicine prevents illness because people are taught healthy diet modifications and lifestyle changes to avoid diseases. Since this system focuses on natural healing there isn’t much risk involved only the risk of the condition getting worst Mind-Body Medicine – The concept of the interconnection between the brain and body has been around for quite a while. Ancient healing practices, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine emphasized important links between the mind and body. Recently people have come to appreciate the powerful effect the mind has over the body. People think that their mind has the power to heal their body and if they have a healthy mind they will have a healthy body. There are many techniques that are being used such as meditation, prayer, mental healing, and therapies that use creative outlets such as art, music, or dance (CAM Overview : NCCAM). The three that are most interesting to me are hypnotherapy, biofeedback, and color therapy. Hypnotherapy is the most widely practiced of these therapies. The patient is put into a hypnosis-induced trance and then treated in a variety of ways to relieve anxiety, pain or stress (Clinical Hypnotherapy : Cleveland Clinic). Relaxation and visualization are stress relieving therapies often used together to treat mental and emotional problems and reduce muscle tension. The goal is to induce a calm mind and body. Visualization uses the patient's imagination and right-brain activity to create positive healing images, which initiate changes in attitudes or behavior. Biofeedback is a technique used especially for stress related conditions such as asthma, migraine headaches, high blood pressure and insomnia (Biofeedback using your mind to improve your health : Mayo Clinic). The patient is hooked up to sensitive machines that monitor small metabolic changes in the body such as heartbeat, temperature, muscle tension as well as brainwaves. The patient is trained to control brainwave activity as well as slow the heartbeat and modify the other functions through breathing and relaxation techniques. Color therapy is based on the belief that diseases, pain, cosmetic problems, personality, â€Å"spiritual attunement†, and intellectual or artistic capabilities are each associated with a specific color. There are several different therapies associated with colors: Color Breathing, Color Imagination, Color Meditation, and Hydrochromopathy. Color Breathing involves the patient imagining himself surrounded by a cloud of a specific color. The color depends on what the patient's problem is. For example yellow is used for stomach, nerves, spleen and pancreas. Blue is used for large intestines, skin, connective tissue and lungs. The patient breathes deeply and imagines the color filling his lungs and flowing throughout his body until it gets to the body part in need of treatment. Color Imagination involves visualizing a specific color in order to cure a disease associated with that color. Color Meditation is a combination of the previous two therapies and parts of Eastern philosophies. It involves visualizing cones of different colors, which point to seven major â€Å"chakras†or psychic centers. Each of these chakras has a color that governs it and meditation and the use of colored light helps to open and reinforce the chakras. Hydrochromopathy is a variation that departs a little from the mind-body connection although it still requires a strong placebo influence. It involves filling a colored glass bottle with distilled water and heating it in sunlight for at least three hours. The resulting â€Å"color charged†water is then used as a treatment for various conditions. A fever is treated by blue charged water, red-charged water is taken to increase energy, green charged water improves overall health etc (Color Therapy : About Holistic Healing). Biologically Based Practices – These use natural substances such as herbs, foods and vitamins and dietary supplements, as well as other â€Å"natural†substances such as shark cartilage, shellfish shells, essential oils, metals, gems and crystals. The chart below shows the most commonly used natural products by adults in 2007 (2007 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) results : NCCAM)[pic] A dietary supplement is â€Å"a product (other than tobacco) that contains a dietary ingredient intended to supplement the diet†. This may include vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanical amino acids, enzymes, organ tissues, and metabolites. These supplements can be taken in several forms such as tablets, liquids or powders and are considered foods not drugs. Many people today take supplements of this kind. Vitamins and minerals such as iron are routinely prescribed to pregnant women and the shelves in health food shops are stacked to the ceiling with â€Å"natural products†that give you energy, make you sleep, help you to lose or gain weight, help women get through menopause or ease menstrual symptoms, help men build muscles, and protect you from a whole range of illnesses. Some dietary supplements have been proven to be effective treatments for some conditions and have been adopted by conventional medical practitioners. For example scientists have found that folic acid prevents some birth defects and an eye disease called age-related macular degeneration, is slowed down by vitamins and zinc. The most common therapy of this kind is a daily multi-vitamin and mineral tablet. The human body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals for health and these days some people believe that the food we eat does not provide enough of these vitamins and minerals (Using Supplements Wisely : NCCAM). Herbal remedies have been in existence for centuries and many herbs and plants have a powerful effect on the body. There are some common herbal treatments such as Aloa Vera for burns, Senna taken for constipation, ginger or mint taken for an upset stomach and ginseng taken to improve overall health and stamina. More recently Gingko Biloba has become very popular as an anti-aging supplement because of its antioxidant properties, which reduce free radicals in the body. Black Cohosh, an American Indian remedy has become a popular treatment for menstrual problems. There are also some very unusual and unorthodox herbal remedies. For example Carnivora therapy uses an extract from the Venus Fly Trap plant as a treatment for cancer. A few years ago there was a controversy over the claim that eating apricots kernels would cure cancer. Apricot kernels was claimed, contain vitamin B-17 also known as Laetrile, which when eaten would kill or prevent cancer in most cases. It was also claimed that if you ate seven apricot kernels a day you would never develop cancer. These claims were not backed up by clinical trials. In fact eating apricot kernels can be fatal as when crushed they produce cyanide, a lethal poison. The Food and Drug Administration banned the sale of apricot kernels, which led to many cancer patients traveling to Mexico for treatment. (Using Supplements Wisely : NCCAM) One of the most controversial dietary supplement therapies is the use of shark cartilage as a treatment for small cancerous tumors. Supporters of this remedy say that shark cartilage extract inhibits blood supply to small tumors and stops them from growing and metastasizing, a process called angiogenesis. So far there have been no clinical trials that prove this theory but this is a very popular supplement taken by many cancer sufferers. Cartiladge : Cancer Institute) Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils taken from plants, seeds, roots and flowers. It is not usually the aromas of the oils that have healing properties, but the essence or chemical make-up of the oils. This essence is usually rubbed onto the skin or made into a tea. The most common use of Aromatherapy is Vicks Vapor Rub, a blend of c amphor, menthol and eucalyptus oil, which is rubbed onto the chest as a treatment for a stuffy nose or a cold (Aromatherepy : Cancer Institute). Manipulative and Body-Based Practices This is based on manipulating or moving one or more body parts as in chiropractic treatments, osteopathic manipulation, physical therapy and massage. Chiropractic uses physical manipulation of the body, especially the spinal column, to relieve pain and aid the body's inner healing power. Chiropractic has come to be more accepted into mainstream medicine in recent years as its effectiveness as a treatment for many conditions including back pain, headaches and sciatica has been demonstrated. It is now the second largest primary health care field in the world. Chiropractic doctors believe that problems with alignment in the spinal column can squeeze nerve endings and pathways, a condition they call subluxation. This squeezing of the nerves causes various ailments and conditions. A chiropractic adjustment of the spinal column, where the spine is re-aligned or straightened will release these nerves which will help the body's innate tendency to heal itself. Chiropractic practitioners earn a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from college and have to pass a state licensing board exam (Chiropractic : NCCAM). Osteopathy is a holistic preventive treatment used to restore balance in the musculoskeletal system. Osteopathic therapists believe that all of the body's systems work together and tension or â€Å"mechanical restrictions†anywhere in the musculoskeletal system can adversely affect other systems and organs in the body (Osteopathy : Natural Medicine Suite 101). Some therapists use osteopathic manipulation, a full-body hands-on technique. Some of the illnesses treated by osteopaths are arthritis, allergies, cardiac diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, high blood pressure, headaches, digestive disorders and bladder problems. Osteopaths earn a college degree, must complete an internship and residency program and pass State Licensing Board exams. They have the ability to prescribe drugs and perform surgery. Physical Therapy is the treatment of disease and trauma by various physical and mechanical therapies including exercise, heat treatment and massage. It is now so mainstream as to be almost no longer considered an alternative form of medicine. A Physical Therapist is trained to help patients with injuries, paralysis, degenerative diseases, dizziness and other diseases that restrict movement or cause chronic pain. Energy Medicine – Many Eastern non-conventional therapies incorporate the concept of energy fields and universal energy into their mind-body treatments, seeing humans as part of an interconnected, universal energy field. These therapies are sub divided into two types Biofield and Bioelectromagnetic (CAM Overview : NCCAM). Biofield Therapies affect â€Å"energy fields that surround and penetrate the human body†by placing the hands on the body or in or through these fields. Examples include Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Polarity Therapy and Shiatsu. Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing from Tibet. Reiki therapists place their hands on the chakras as well as major organs and glands to â€Å"channel healing energies†. It is used to treat emotional and mental distress as well as to fine tune â€Å"spiritual focus and clarity†. It is believed that if the patient's spirit is healed the body will heal also. (Reiki : NCCAM) Reiki Masters transfer energy that is universal rather than personal. Reiki practitioners are trained by Reiki Masters, which involves a series of initiations to â€Å"activate the practitioner's healing power†. Therapeutic Touch is a similar treatment based on the ancient art of the laying on of hands. The therapists do not actually touch the patient but hold their hands several inches from the body. The therapist has the ability to identify energy imbalances in the invisible energy fields that surround the human body. Therapists clear the defective energy field and replace it with their own personal energy (What is Theraputic Touch : Theraputic Touch). It is used to help the healing of wounds, promote relaxation, relieve pain and â€Å"ease the dying process†. Shiatsu is a Japanese therapy that developed from traditional Chinese medicine and involves the belief that energy in the body (Chi) flows through channels called meridians, which correspond to various organs in the body (Shiatsu : Holistic Online). Health is governed by five elements: water, fire, earth, wood and metal. The practitioner uses thumbs, hands, forearms, knees and feet to apply pressure to the body, which stimulates the flow of energy and restores balance. Polarity Therapy involves using a light touch that focuses on the spine to balance the body's energy flow. It is based on the theory that everything in nature including the human body is influenced by a â€Å"polarity between positive and negative energy charges†(What is Polarity Therapy : APTA). These energy charges must be in balance in order to prevent illness and pain. Polarity Therapists also use diet and nutrition, polarity yoga and psychological counseling, positive thinking and self-awareness. It is a blend of Western therapies such as chiropractic and osteopathy with eastern therapies that use chakras and the five elements associated with them. Bioelectromagnetic based therapies involves the use of magnets and â€Å"electromagnetic fields, pulsed fields, magnetic fields, or alternating current or direct current fields†. Magnetic Therapy is an ancient therapeutic technique based on the use of magnets on the acupuncture points of the body in order to help the body recuperate, relieve stress and ease pain. The theory is that magnetic fields produced by magnets can penetrate the human body and influence individual cells. The magnetic force stimulates nerves to create a blood flow to swollen and injured areas. Magnets used in this way are also supposed to affect the iron in red blood cells or create an alkaline reaction in the body. There are many magnetic products available that can be taped to the skin, worn in your shoes, as a belt, as jewelry or slept on. Many athletes such as golfers, footballers and tennis players wear magnetic devices to relieve sports related injuries or aches. Magnet therapy is used to treat arthritis, insomnia, headaches and back aches. Sometimes a magnet is incorporated into a copper bracelet, a popular alternative treatment for arthritis sufferers (Use Of Magnets : NCCAM). Those are just a few of the alternative medicines and therapies available today. Many of them are rooted in ancient philosophies and practices. Most of them sound logical and plausible and give hope to people seeking treatment for incurable diseases. Some of them are reputable and accepted forms of treatment, but many are considered quackery. A large percentage of American people use alternative therapies and medicines and the number is growing. Any one of these alternative therapies, no matter how strange they sound, may or may not work for you or me. My general thoughts on Alternative Medicine are that I am one of those people who feels like that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. A lot of Alternative therapies definitely seem too good to be true. Unfortunately for me, I suffer from arthritis and if my arthritis continues to get worse then I have decided to try some form of alternative medicine because I am tired of the pain and will try anything. It will be interesting to see what type of coverage I will get from my health provider. Fortunately for me I was able to find out some valuable information at the NCCAM website (Paying for CAM : NCCAM). I was able to find out that some forms of CAM are more commonly covered than others and I also learned the importance of asking questions and what questions to ask to CAM and health providers. Hopefully when all is said and done with I will be miraculously healed and a true believer of Alternative Medicine. Bibliography 2007 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) results : NCCAM. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 25, 2009, from The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: http://nccam. ih. gov/news/camstats/2007/camsurvey_fs1. htm Acupuncture : NCCAM. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 25, 2009, from The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: http://nccam. nih. gov/health/acupuncture/ Aromatherepy : Cancer Institute. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 25, 2009, from National Cancer Institute: http://www. cancer. gov/cancertopics/pdq/cam/aromatherapy/patient Biofeed back using your mind to improve your health : Mayo Clinic. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 29, 2009, from Mayo Clinic: http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/biofeedback/SA00083 CAM Overview : NCCAM. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 25, 2009, from The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: http://nccam. nih. gov/health/whatiscam/overview. htm Cartiladge : Cancer Institute. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 27, 2009, from National Cancer Institute: http://www. cancer. gov/cancer_information/doc. aspx? viewid=4AABA6FA-8A2E-4BF7-941F-7DC416B41233 Chiropractic : NCCAM. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 25, 2009, from The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: http://nccam. nih. gov/health/chiropractic/ Clinical Hypnotherapy : Cleveland Clinic. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 25, 2009, from Cleveland Clinic: http://my. clevelandclinic. org/services/clinical_hypnotherapy/hic_clinical_hypnotherapy. aspx Color Therapy : About Holistic Healing. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 27, 2009, from About : Holistic Healing: http://healing. about. com/cs/colortherapy/a/aa_colortherapy. htm Homeopathy : NCCAM. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 25, 2009, from The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: http://nccam. nih. gov/health/homeopathy/ Naturopathy : NCCAM. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 24, 2009, from The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: http://nccam. nih. gov/health/naturopathy/ Osteopathy : Natural Medicine Suite 101. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 25, 2009, from Natural Medicine Suite 101: http://naturalmedicine. suite101. com/article. cfm/osteopathy Paying for CAM : NCCAM. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 28, 2009, from The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: http://nccam. nih. gov/health/financial/ Reiki : NCCAM. (n. d. ). Retrieved from The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: http://nccam. ih. gov/health/reiki/ Shiatsu : Holistic Online. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 25, 2009, from Holistic Online: http://www. holisticonline. com/Shiatsu/hol_shiatsu_home. htm Use Of Magnets : NCCAM. (n. d. ). Retrieved 11 28, 2009, from The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: http://nccam. nih. gov/health/magnet/magnetsforpain. htm Using Supplements Wisely : NCCAM. (n. d. ). Retrieved from T he National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: http://nccam. nih. gov/health/supplements/wiseuse. htm
Friday, January 10, 2020
Adertising Agencies
Table of Content Advertising3 Industry Snapshot4 Nature of the Industry5 Media7 In-film advertising9 Work Environment10 Personal characteristics11 Employment avenues12 Public service advertising12 Regulation13 Copyright14 Advertising Agency15 History of ad agency17 Advertising Process19 Typical work flow in agency19 Types of advertising agencies20 The functions of an advertising agency:23 The Benefits of Using an Advertising Agency23 Advertising Agency's Role24 Services offered by ad agency25 Departments & Personnel28 Account Services / Account Management28 Account planner / Director28 Account Supervisor29 Account executives29 Creative department30 Art Directors30 Copywriter31 Digital Studio34 DTP Artist34 Visualizer34 Media Department35 FUNCTIONS OF THE MEDIA DEPARTMENT35 Marketing Research Department37 Creative Services Department38 Event Management and Promotion department38 Traffic Manager (system administrator)38 Radio & TV Broadcast Production Department39 Print Production Department40 Agency Personnel41 Production Team41 Storyboard artist41 Graphic designer42 Advertising interns43 Job Positions and Earnings44 Agency Compensation45 Impact of technology on advertising46 Common software used by ad agency47 Adobe Photoshop48 QuarkXPress48 Autodesk Maya49 Adobe Flash50 CorelDRAW51 Computer-aided design (CAD)52 Famous advertising agencies in world53 Ogilvy & Mather India54 Overview54 Network55 Key people56 Services offered56 Major Clients57 Indian ad legends58 Large vs. Small Agencies62 Workforce for ad agency63 Study / Training & Advancement64 Courses / Institutions66 Future68 Outlook69 Myth: An agency always helps to sell a product70 Case study71 Advertising creative75 Conclusion76 Bibliography & Webliograpy77 Advertising Advertising, generally speaking, is the promotion of goods, services, companies and ideas, usually performed by an identified sponsor. Marketers see advertising as part of an overall promotional strategy. Other components of the promotional mix include publicity, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion. Advertising involves the process where in a massage is designed so as to promote a product, a thought, an idea or even a service. The concept of advertising has assumed a dynamic form with the use of the various mediums of communication. From the newspaper, magazines, posters, neon and fluorescent signboards, billboards to the commercial on TV, laser shows to inflated high-rise figures and objects, advertising has come a long way. The work is formidable as it spearheads a process intended to attract, modify, change and influences public opinion. From the local business to multinational firm and all need to advertise. While politicians, social organizations, government special groups need to advertise their motto, national airlines, auto mobile manufactures, food and consumer goods manufacturers have to reach the consumer. Specialist products and services are often advertised through trade magazines and exhibitions. Lately mail-shots, handbill circulation, special offers have become very popular. There are still other ways of advertising. There are window displays, display on telephone directories, transit sign on buses, lamp posters, banners, etc. Advertising through the electronic media has been perhaps the most popular medium. Advertising, as an effective medium, uses a variety of techniques to create effective advertisements. A basic appeal is at the heart of advertising. Slogans and product characters are created to catch the attention of the viewers. Most winning advertisements would encompass factual information with emotional appeal. The advertising industry has three major sectors. †¢ Business or organization which wishes to advertise, †¢ Media which provides the medium for advertising and †¢ Ad-agency which creates the ad to suit the need of the firm. Ad agencies vary in the size and turnover. Nevertheless the process of creating an ad remains the same. The annual expenditure on the advertising has been to the tune of Rs 8000 crores and the figure could be higher. USA has projected media spending on advertising on the net to approximately $7700 by the turn of the century. The scope for advertising professionals certainly shows an upward trend. Industry Snapshot According the Advertising Age's 2002 Agency Report, the world's six largest advertising agencies accounted for over 65 percent of $39. 28 billion spent on advertising worldwide in 2001. But the advertising industry has suffered during the first years of the 2000s. The economy decline prior to and exacerbated by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 has been sustained by the ongoing conflict with Iraq. As an indicator of the softened demand for advertising services, advertising agency employment fell to just over 180,000 in December 2002, down from an average employment of 194,400 in 2001 and 182,400 in 2002, representing the largest decline since 1991. Advertising agencies are primarily responsible for two functions. The first is the production of advertising materials in the form of written copy, art, graphics, audio, and video. The second is the strategic placement of the finished creative product in various media outlets, such as periodicals, newspapers, radio, and television. Advertising agencies can be found throughout the United States, with the greatest percentage located in large cities. Many have headquarters in New York and field offices in Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, Detroit, and other major areas of commerce in order to be close to clients. Although the larger agencies are more frequently mentioned in the media and in trade publications, the industry is actually predominately comprised of smaller agencies, many with only one or two principals. Industry bservers credit lower overhead, diversified services, willingness to accommodate change, and an entrepreneurial attitude for the success of smaller, boutique agencies. As many clients have begun to focus on a variety of forms of marketing communications, advertising agencies have had to look beyond conventional media-based advertising. Advertising budgets reflect this shift, with additional dollars being earmarked for point-of-sale promotions, public relations, and a major entry in to the media mixâ€â€the Internet. Changing demographics and a savvy American consumer were the driving forces behind these alternative forms of marketing communications. Some industry leaders have projected that advertising agencies will need to augment their primary line of work and change their longstanding compensation system based on commissions. Realizing the need for â€Å"integrated marketing services,†many agencies have responded by offering public relations, direct mail, promotional, and Internet services. Nature of the Industry Firms in the advertising and public relations services industry prepare advertisements for other companies and organizations and design campaigns to promote the interests and image of their clients. This industry also includes media representativesâ€â€firms that sell advertising space for publications, radio, television, and the Internet; display advertisersâ€â€businesses engaged in creating and designing public display ads for use in shopping malls, on billboards, or in similar media; and direct mail advertisers. A firm that purchases advertising time (or space) from media outlets, thereafter reselling it to advertising agencies or individual companies directly, is considered a media buying agency. Divisions of companies that produce and place their own advertising are not considered part of this industry. Most advertising firms specialize in a particular market niche. Some companies produce and solicit outdoor advertising, such as billboards and electric displays. Others place ads in buses, subways, taxis, airports, and bus terminals. A small number of firms produce aerial advertising, while others distribute circulars, handbills, and free samples. Groups within agencies have been created to serve their clients’ electronic advertising needs on the Internet. Online advertisements link users to a company’s or product’s Web site, where information such as new product announcements, contests, and product catalogs appears, and from which purchases may be made. Some firms are not involved in the creation of ads at all; instead, they sell advertising time or space on radio and television stations or in publications. Because these firms do not produce advertising, their staffs are mostly sales workers. Companies often look to advertising as a way of boosting sales by increasing the public’s exposure to a product or service. Most companies do not have the staff with the necessary skills or experience to create effective advertisements; furthermore, many advertising campaigns are temporary, so employers would have difficulty maintaining their own advertising staff. Instead, companies commonly solicit bids from ad agencies to develop advertising for them. Next, ad agencies offering their services to the company often make presentations. After winning an account, various departments within an agencyâ€â€such as creative, production, media, and researchâ€â€work together to meet the client’s goal of increasing sales. Widespread public relations services firms can influence how businesses, governments, and institutions make decisions. Often working behind the scenes, these firms have a variety of functions. In general, firms in public relations services advise and implement public exposure strategies. Firms in public relations services offer one or more resources that clients cannot provide themselves. Usually this resource is expertise in the form of knowledge, experience, special skills, or creativity; but sometimes the resource is time or personnel that the client cannot spare. Clients of public relations firms include all types of businesses, institutions, trades, and public interest groups, and even high-profile individuals. Clients are large and small for-profit firms in the private sector; State, local, or Federal Governments; hospitals, universities, unions, and trade groups; and foreign governments or businesses. In an effort to attract and maintain clients, advertising and public relations services agencies are diversifying their services, offering advertising as well as public relations, sales, marketing, and interactive media services. Advertising and public relations service firms have found that highly creative work is particularly suitable for their services, resulting in a better product and increasing their clients' profitability. Media Commercial advertising media can include wall paintings, billboards , street furniture components, printed flyers, radio, cinema and television ads, web banners, web popups, skywriting, bus stop benches, magazines, newspapers, town criers, sides of buses, taxicab doors and roof mounts, musical stage shows, subway platforms and trains, elastic bands on disposable diapers, stickers on apples in supermarkets, the opening section of streaming audio and video, and the backs of event tickets and supermarket receipts. Any place an â€Å"identified†sponsor pays to deliver their message through a medium is advertising. Covert advertising embedded in other entertainment media is known as product placement. A more recent version of this is advertising in film, by having a main character use an item or other of a definite brand – an example is in the movie Minority Report, where Tom Cruise's character Tom Anderton owns a computer with the Nokia logo clearly written in the top corner, or his watch engraved with the Bulgari logo. The TV commercial is generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising format and this is reflected by the high prices TV networks charge for commercial airtime during popular TV events. Virtual advertisements may be inserted into regular television programming through computer graphics. It is typically inserted into otherwise blank backdrops or used to replace local billboards that are not relevant to the remote broadcast audience. More controversially, virtual billboards may be inserted into the background where none existing in real-life. Virtual product placement is also possible. Increasingly, other mediums such as those discussed below are overtaking television due to a shift towards consumer's usage of the Internet. Advertising on the World Wide Web is a recent phenomenon. Prices of Web-based advertising space are dependent on the â€Å"relevance†of the surrounding web content and the traffic that the website receives. E-mail advertising is another recent phenomenon. Unsolicited bulk E-mail advertising is known as â€Å"spam†. Profile of major advertising mediums MEDIUM |ADVANTAGES |LIMITATIONS | |Newspapers |Flexibility; timeliness; good local market coverage; |Short life; poor reproduction quality; small | | |broad acceptance; high believability. |pass along audience. | |Television |Combines sight, sound and motion; appealing to the |High absolute cost, high clutter, fleeting | | |senses; high attention; high reach. exposure, less audience selectivity | |Direct mail |Audience selectivity, flexibil ity, no ad competition |Relatively high cost, junk mail image. | | |within the same medium, personalization. | | |Radio |Mass use, high geographical and demographic |Audio presentation only; lower attention than | | |selectivity; low cost. |television; non standardized rate structure; | | | |fleeting exposure. |Magazines |High geographical and demographic selectivity; |Long ad purchase lead time; some waste | | |credibility and prestige; high quality reproduction, |circulation; no guarantee of position. | | |long life; good pass-along readership. | | |Outdoor |Flexibility; high repeat exposure; low cost; low |Limited audience selectivity; creative | | |competition. |limitation. | |Brouchers |Flexibility; full control; can dramatize message. Overproduction could lead to run away costs. | In-film advertising In-film advertising used to mean a couple of product billboards placed behind the hero's car, Till Taal came along. That's the film that put Coke  and product placements à ¢â‚¬â€ firmly in the plot. In-film advertising has only gathered more fans since. It's not just the colas, brands like Hero Honda, Bru, and Fair & Lovely have got into the act. It has become a well-thought out and legitimate part of a brand's marketing plan, and as the film industry gets more corporatised, it's likely to get more popular. This season's got a blockbuster hitting the screen, with all the attendant song, dance and scandal. Kaante stars Amitabh Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt, Sunil Shetty, Kumar Gaurav, Lucky Ali and Mahesh Manjrekar  and Thums Up. Coke's paid Sanjay Gupta, the film's producer, to feature the cola in some scenes  rumours put the figure at Rs 4 crore, but Coca-Cola, as well as the producer, say it isn't so  and it's also airing promos for the film that incorporate the Thums Up brand. Leo Entertainment, the film marketing division of Leo Burnett, is working with White Feather Productions in their marketing efforts. Work Environment Ad agencies are based within office settings. Accounts Executives, Account Planers, Media Executives, Art Directors and Copywriters spend most of their working time in agency office. Account Executives have to travel extensively, visiting clients and suppliers. While other staff, travel occasionally to attend meetings with clients, or visit locations during film production. Ad agencies are very busy places and often work is on till late hours. In 2004, workers in the industry averaged 33. 8 hours per week, a little higher than the national average of 33. . Most employees in advertising and public relations services work in comfortable offices operating in a teamwork environment; however, long hours, including evenings and weekends, are common. There are fewer opportunities for part-time work than in many other industries; in 2004, 14 percent of advertising and public relations employees worked part time, compared with 16 percent of all workers. Work in advertising an d public relations is fast-paced and exciting, but it also can be stressful. Being creative on a tight schedule can be emotionally draining. Some workers, such as lobbyists, consultants, and public relations writers, frequently must meet deadlines and consequently may work long hours at times. Workers, whose services are billed hourly, such as advertising consultants and public relations specialists, are often under pressure to manage their time carefully. In addition, frequent meetings with clients and media representatives may involve substantial travel. Most firms encourage employees to attend employer-paid time-management classes, which help reduce the stress sometimes associated with working under strict time constraints. Also, with today’s hectic lifestyle, many firms in this industry offer or provide health facilities or clubs to help employees maintain good health. Personal characteristics People in the accounts or client servicing i. e. , the Account Executives, Director and planer need to be adept at negotiating. The ability to communicate easily is vital. They face the challenge of competing in the market with other agencies; hence need to have drive determination and tremendous physical and mental stamina. Sensitivity to consumer behavior, trends and human nature are important for success in advertising. They should be able to assimilate the client’s requirements and in a lucid style prepare briefs for other departments. The ability to get the work executed by all departments is specially required. The creative people need a good visual ability, languageartistic skill. Copywriter requires literary ability but an interest in commercial success which comes from understanding what motives the target audience is important. Writers must be able to work, to a strict brief, within restricted space and in limited time. Advertising must follow legal requirements and rules hence considerable creative self-discipline is needed. A feeling for words, economy of style and imagination is needed. The copywriter works with the art director, and the creative director. The work can be very frustrating particularly when an idea is rejected by the art director and amendments made by the creative director and the client. This can often restrict the imaginative capacity of the copywriter. The openness to stand criticism is absolutely essential. Media Executives, Planners and Executive directors with others in an integrated team. They should be able to interplant a great deal of information. Media buyers spend most of their time negotiating over the telephone to buy space or time. Attention to detail is needed for keeping to the budget allocated. Employment avenues The business of advertising has been growing in proportion to the national economy. Greater competition between domestic and multinational firms has spurred marketing and advertising efforts. Competition for these jobs is growing. Creative college graduates with communication skills will get the best jobs. Job opportunities are in advertising agencies, commercial radio and public, Multinational firms, advertising/PR department of organisations/business/government. Advertising agencies have the highest profile in a much larger advertising industry, composed of various media, advertisers, printers, photographers, typesetters, and others that act as suppliers to the industry. Accordingly, agencies attract most of the people who want to get into advertising. Generally speaking, an agency is not the place to start an advertising career until the candidate has acquired two sorts of knowledge not available in most academic institutions. First, an extremely good working knowledge of how a wide variety of businesses work is necessary, for agencies serve so many kinds of clients. Second, one must develop good interpersonal business skills to be successful in the agency industry, and these skills are usually developed only in on-the-job experiences. Public service advertising The same advertising techniques used to promote commercial goods and services can be used to inform, educate and motivate the public about non-commercial issues, such as AIDS, political ideology, energy conservation, religious recruitment, and deforestation. The Government of India has for a long time relied considerably on the talents of the Advertising Agency and the Advertising Agencies Association of India for social causes. Family Planning is the most successful campaign for a social cause by any advertising agency. Advertising, in its non-commercial guise, is a powerful educational tool capable of reaching and motivating large audiences. Regulation There have been increasing efforts to protect the public interest by regulating the content and the reach of advertising. Some examples are the ban on television tobacco advertising imposed in many countries. The general aim of such codes is to ensure that any advertising is legal, decent, honest and truthful. Some self-regulatory organizations are funded by the industry, but remain independent, with the intent of upholding the standards or codes. In India there is Advertising Agency’s Association of India (AAAI) that supervises the affairs of the industry. There is a body called Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI), which looks at issues pertaining to regulation of advertising. The advertising of controversial products such as cigarettes and condoms is subject to government regulation in many countries. For instance, the tobacco industry is required by law in India and Pakistan to display statutory warnings cautioning consumers about the health hazards of their products. Some potential ETHICAL ISSUES often come under scrutiny form moral or ethical perspective and border on being regulated are mentioned here. The idea is to be more aware and sensitive to them looking at advertising. †¢ Untruthful and misleading claims made in the ads. Misrepresentation of facts or situations in the name of creative license. †¢ Obscenity and misuse of sex advertising. †¢ Advertising inducing children †¢ Advertising of products that are commonly assumed to have harmful effects like alcohol, cigarette, drugs, weapons, etc. †¢ Surrogate advertising with hinted or hidden message. †¢ Media issues like use of billboards and other outdoor advertising (f or traffic & safety reasons) †¢ Copyright, trademark and issues of making unfair competitive claims. †¢ Civil rights or rights of privacy or citizens Copyright Copyright is a set of exclusive rights regulating the use of a particular expression of an idea or information. At its most general, it is literally â€Å"the right to copy†an original creation. In most cases, these rights are of limited duration. Copyright may subsist in a wide range of creative, intellectual, or artistic forms or â€Å"works†. These include poems, plays, and other literary works, movies, choreographic works, musical compositions, audio recordings, paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, software, radio and television broadcasts of live and other performances, and, in some jurisdictions, industrial designs. Copyright law covers only the particular form or manner in which ideas or information have been manifested, the â€Å"form of material expression†. It is not designed or intended to cover the actual idea, concepts, facts, styles, or techniques which may be embodied in or represented by the copyright work. Several exclusive rights typically attach to the holder of a copyright: †¢ to produce copies or reproductions of the work and to sell those copies (including, typically, electronic copies) †¢ to import or export the work to create derivative works (works that adapt the original work) †¢ to perform or display the work publicly †¢ to sell or assign these rights to others Ad agency is supposed to follow the rules and regulations of copyright laws while creative ads for any product they must see that the concepts are not fully copied from somewhere else. Advertising Agency Getting the best out of advertising is a highly skilled job. It requires the inputs of e xperts in many different fields like writers, artists, photographers, designers, television production crews and many others. Even the biggest advertisers cannot afford to employ all these experts. Almost all advertising is therefore arranged through an advertising agency which provides the necessary skill to turn the message into a memorable and effective advertisement. Advertising has not only come to reflect pop culture but has also become an important element of economic growth. Today, every person connected with the Indian economy or public should be fully aware what advertising really is and why effective advertising campaigns can be performed by full-service advertising agencies. Advertising agency is one of the most important components of advertising industry. It has played a significant role in the development of modern advertising. The advertising agency has evolved to provide the specialized knowledge, skills and experience needed to produce effective advertising campaigns. It provides a quality range of service greater than any single advertiser could afford or would need to employ. An advertising agency is a firm that specializes in the creation, design and placement of advertisements, and in the planning and execution of promotional campaigns for products and services of their clients. The Association of Advertising Agencies of America (AAAA) defines advertising agency as â€Å"An independent business organization composed of creative and business people who develop, prepare and place advertising media for sellers seeking to find customers for their goods and services. †The glamour, the unlimited expense accounts, and the exhilarating lifestyle – all these popular portraits of life in the big-time advertising agency are misleading. Advertising is demanding, challenging, hard work. It is also interesting and fulfilling. Advertising requires a mix of personal abilities, considerable business skills, and an ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines. Compared to larger industries, there are never many entry-level positions open in advertising agencies (dozens rather than hundreds). And competition is stiff. The industry, however, is constantly on the look out for skilled, bright, articulate, creative and personable men and women with a well-rounded education and a good business sense. An advertising agency or ad agency is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and handling advertising (and sometimes other forms of promotion) for their clients. An ad agency is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the client's products or services. An agency can also handle overall marketing and branding strategies and sales promotions for its clients. Typical ad agency clients include businesses and corporations, non-profit organizations and government agencies. Agencies may be hired to produce single ads or, more commonly, ongoing series of related ads, called an advertising campaign. History of ad agency 1. Period of early growth 1841 – 1865. The first advertising agency on record in the US was Olney B. Palmer. In 1841, Palmer organized a newspaper advertising and subscription agency. By 1849 he had established offices in the cities of New York, Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia. At this early fate, there were no directions of newspapers and no published rates for space to be sold to advertisers. Palmer acted as an informatory agent in these matters to prospective advertisers. In essence, he served as a salesman of space for publishers and they in turn, gave him a commission of 25% of such sales. The publishers found these methods of selling more effective than trying to sell direct and advertisers, wishing to reach more than one territory found value in such service. Completion increased, and the usual price cutting occurred. Success seemed to depend upon one’s ability to bargain with the publisher and advertiser. The natural result of this policy was a general reduction in profits to the agency; this led to a search for new competitive tools which would return a profit. 2. Wholesaling Period 1865 – 1880 George P. Rowell, who opened an agency in 1865, supplied the new competitive tool. Rowell contracted with 100 newspapers to sell him a column of space each week for a year. Throughout the wholesaling period, the agent continued as a seller of space for publishers. This took on different forms, one of which was the exclusive right to sell space in certain publishers. Thus, one agency developed a controlled list of religious papers, another a â€Å"List of Thirsty†household magazines. Any advertiser wishing to buy space in the controlled publications was forced to buy through the exclusive wholesaler for that paper. . Semi Service Period 1880 – 1917 The wholesaling phase of agency work was checked when publishers began to establish their own sales departments for selling space. Some of these departments sold direct to the advertiser, others to the general advertising agency. Thus, the agency was forced to turn its attention somewhat away from the particular function of s elling space for publisher and toward the function of buying space for the advertiser. Early in the semi service period agencies offered to write the copy for the advertiser, thus giving added weight to their claim of being servants of the advertiser. This concept of service was slow to develop; but in the early part of the 20th century, agencies began to emphasize strongly this â€Å"free†service. One agency in 1905 advertised that it paid $28,000 a year for a copywriter. These methods increased the agency business and forced most space sales to be made through them. 4. Service Period 1917 – Present By 1917 the idea of service had grown until not only was copywriting done for the advertiser but many other things as well. During the service period, many agencies have grown to the position of advertising and marketing counselors for advertiser. The service elements has modified the position of agencies to such a degree that radio and television, network and magazine publishers have come to depend upon them as the primary channel through which time and space are sold. Publishers claim to have had an important part in encouragements of agencies to provide extra service to the advertiser. By providing advertisers with the kind of assistance that will improve the effectiveness of advertising, more time and space naturally will be sold. Advertising Process When preparing your search proposal, you should take into account that the â€Å"lead-in†time needed to place an ad can vary anywhere from days to months depending on the publication. You should plan to have your ad approved and an estimate of the cost done at least one month prior to the date when you want the ad to be published. The advertising process for professional staff and faculty positions involves five basic steps: 1. Writing an Ad 2. Getting Approval for the Text of the Ad 3. Estimating the Cost of the Ad 4. Placing Ads & Posting Announcements 5. Paying for Ads Typical work flow in agency STAGE |WORK PERFORMED AT STAGE | |Briefing Stage |Briefing from the client | | |Internal briefing to the creative and media | | |Any research briefing if required | |Creation Stage |Ad campaign and media plan development | | |Internal review and finalization | | |Presentation to client and approvals | | |Any pre-testing if required | |Production Stage |Budget and estimate approv als | | |Production of ilm, press ads, collaterals | | |Media Scheduling and media booking | | |All release approvals for creative & media | |Post Production Stage |Material dispatch to media | | |Media release monitoring | | |Any post-testing if required | | |Billing and collection | Types of advertising agencies Ad agencies come in all sizes, from small one- or two-person shops to large multi-national, multi-agency conglomerates such as Omnicom Group, WPP Group, Interpublic Group of Companies and Havas. Some agencies specialize in particular types of advertising, such as print ads or television commercials. Other agencies, especially larger ones, produce work for many types of media. Lately, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firms have been classified by some as ‘agencies' due to the fact that they are creating media and implementing media purchases of text based (or image based in some instances of search marketing) ads. This relatively young industry has been slow to adopt the term ‘agency' however with the creation of ads (either text or image) and media purchases they do qualify technically as an ‘advertising agency' as well as recent studies suggest that both SEO and SEM are set to outpace magazine spending in the next 3-5 years. Not all advertising is created by agencies. Companies that create and plan their own advertising are said to do their work in house. Today selection of ad-agency is very difficult. The advertiser should make list of all possible agencies that can serve his purpose and the agency best qualified to provide required and effective services are selected. Some advertiser may select more than one advertising agency to handle effectively the various product lines. Following are major types of advertising agencies that are currently serving the advertising industry. Full Service Agencies A full service ad agency is one that provides a range of marketing services. A full services agency provides services that are directly related to advertising such as copywriting, artwork, production of ads, media planning etc. It also provides such services in respect of pricing, distribution, packaging, product design etc. Modular agencies A modular agency is a full service agency that sells its services on a piece meal basis. Thus an advertiser may commission an agency’s creative department to develop an ad campaign while obtaining other agency services elsewhere. Or, an advertiser may hire an agencies media department to plan and execute a program for advertising that another agency has developed. Fees are charged for actual work undertaken. In House agencies Those companies, which prefer to have closer control over advertising, have their own in-house agency. This type is owned completely by the advertiser. It performs almost all functions that an outside advertising agency would perform and that’s why some people refer to it as full-service advertising department of the advertiser. However, the difference between an in-house agency and an advertising department is that the in-house agency can undertake to serve several other clients, if the owner so desires, but an advertising department solely undertakes that work of its owner and not of outside clients. Secondly an advertising department may not be equipped the personnel and facilities, which an in-house agency would posses. In-house agency not only provides control over advertising schedule and costs, but also offers convenience for its owner, because it is just available in the same building as that of the head office of advertiser. Such in-house agency also benefits the owner as it can bring revenue through agency commission that are offered by the media and by way of fees that are collected from outside parties for undertaking their advertising work. Such revenue increases the funds and profits of the company. There is another version of in-house agency whereby advertiser handles the total agency functions by buying service unit to buy time, space and place the ads. Such an In-house agency is an administrative center (under the direction of an advertising director) that gathers and directs varying outside for its operation. Creative Boutiques These are shop agencies that provides only creative functions and not full-service. The specialized creative functions include copy writing, artwork and production of ads, they charge a fee or percentage of full service agencies, and as such most of them convert into a full service agency or merge with other agencies to provide a wide range of services. Mega agencies A significant of 1980’s is the development of mega agency. Agencies worldwide merge with each other serve their clients in much better way. It was in 1986, Saachi & Saachi, a London based agency who started the movement and at present it is the third largest agency network in the world. The Specialists Agency There are some agencies who undertake advertising work only in certain areas. there are agencies that specialize only in financial services or only in publicity or only in point-of-purchase material etc. for instance Soubhagya advertising agency concentrate on specialized in financial advertising. The functions of an advertising agency: †¢ To accelerate economic growth and create public awareness †¢ To provide a total, professional, experienced service which is very personal in its nature †¢ To take the advertiser's message and convert it into an effective and memorable communication The Benefits of Using an Advertising Agency †¢ Added Expertise †¢ Media Knowledge and Unbiased Advice †¢ Easier Administration †¢ Media Buying †¢ Quality Control †¢ Information †¢ Fending off the media †¢ And when things go wrong †¢ Cost Saving †¢ Time Saving Advertising Agency's Role Suppose you are a company with a product. It may be a totally new product. As a company with a product or service to sell, designing and making that item is only part of the battle. People are not going to beat a path to your door. You have to seek a channel of communication. Ad agency need to consider, for example: †¢ For whom is the product or service designed? †¢ Who would use it? Who is the â€Å"target group†? †¢ What's special about the product? In what way is it distinct? Unique? Different? †¢ What's its â€Å"position†in relation to other similar products? †¢ What do you want to convey to the public about y our product? †¢ How should your company contact the public? †¢ What medium should it use? Radio? TV? Newspapers? Magazines? Billboards? Bus/subway ads? Direct mail? etc. †¢ How extensive a region should your company try to cover? †¢ How often? Communication and marketing decisions involve specialized expertise. Many companies that design and produce products or offer services lack these specific capabilities. This is where advertising agencies fit in. Advertising agencies exist to help companies to communicate with the public, Market the company's product. [pic] The process of advertising involves considerable specialized knowledge and expertise †¢ about people – their interests, preferences, needs, wants, lifestyles, expectations †¢ about media – their reach, their effectiveness, their specific appeal †¢ about the company and its product – and about competing companies and their products Services offered by ad agency Total Advertising Services Strategic planning, creative development and media services for advertising, particularly in television, newspapers, magazines and radio; providing the best creative designed to capture the imagination of consumers Marketing Services Provision of a number of advertising related services, including sales promotion, market research, PR and event marketing. e-Solution Services e-solution services, including system integration services, e-business consulting and customer relationship management (CRM), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and e-promotions using the Internet and mobile. Content Business Sales of sponsorship, broadcasting and other rights, and the production and marketing of such media / content as sporting events, films, TV programs, animated content, music and other forms of entertainment. Integrated Media Services Bringing value to both clients and media-related companies by offering a wide range of media solution services Sales Promotion Providing comprehensive sales promotion planning designed to complement mass media and other activities Event Marketing Assisting clients by providing dynamic vehicles for their messages in the form of on-the-spot interactive communications Integrated Branding Services Assuring clients the highest quality of branding services for their communication needs Organization Structure The activities within an advertising agency are typically divided into 4 broad groups: account management, the creative department, media buying, and research. These divisions are usually physically separated, although all four areas work closely together to produce an advertising campaign in its entirety. Account managers usually have daily interaction with a counterpart at the client's office and coordinate the activities of the other departments according to the client's wishes. The creative department designs original themes or concepts for ads, while the media department places finished ads within the media in which they will receive the most exposure to a target audience. The research department provides data about consumers to help the agency and the client make informed advertising decisions. Recently added to advertising agencies' roster of services are public relations, direct marketing, and promotional services. Other activities that used to be completed by outside vendors, such as photography and high-tech print work, have been brought in-house in many agencies. ORGANIZATION CHART [pic] [pic] Departments & Personnel Account Services / Account Management The other major department in ad agencies is account services or account management. Account service employees work directly with clients and potential clients, soliciting business for the ad agency and determining what clients need and want the agency to do for them. They are also charged with understanding the client’s business situation and representing those needs within the agency, so that ads can be brought to bear on the correct problem. Account planner / Director The Account Planner is the main planning executive who works in partnership with the client on long-term account planning. He knows what is happening in the market place, the attitude of the consumer towards the client’s as well as the competitor’s brands. Account Planner Deals with senior members of the client organization. He is responsible for agency performance as a whole with limited involvement in routine agency projects. The Account Director is responsible for forward, long-term planning, deployment of agency personnel and overall account profitability. The account planner was originally employed to â€Å"represent the consumer†in the advertising i. e. , find the best way to pitch the clients products to people by better understanding them, what they want and how to talk to them. Planning's role has expanded considerably since it was originally introduced. Planners are now also brand strategists and, to a certain extent, media strategists – using consumer insights to understand where and how people are most receptive to certain messages. In many agencies, there is a dedicated media department and there are also some large and small agencies that exclusively handle media strategy and media buying. Account Supervisor A middle management position: he or she manages the account within a medium term perspective. This includes strategic planning, market analysis, competitive activity analysis, as well as recognizing and capitalizing on business building opportunities. Account executives Account executives represent their ad agency to their clients. They understand sales and advertising problems of the client and address the client’s need to the advertising approach. In advertising ‘The account’ is the client. The business of each client with the agency is referred to as an account. An ad agency handles assignments of a number of clients. A client’s business is assigned to a team of people from the ad agency with the Account Executive at the head of team. An account executive may be handling the business of number of non-competing clients at the same time. The Account Executive supervises his team of people drawn from all departments while planning, scheduling and executing the assignment. Before a campaign is launched research on the client’s business methods, the product to be advertised is made. With this background information there is a meeting of the creative media and marketing division along with members of the client’s team. The objective of this meeting is to define the nature and use of the product, and the target users as well as other competing brands. After all the information is assigned the agency team prepares a draft brief with recommendations. These are presented to the client by the Account Executive. The brief and budget are discussed and after finalization of work. The Account Executive motivates guides and coordinates the activities so that deadlines are met and the client’s expectations become a reality. He spends lot of time keeping the client updated on the progress. The Agency’s Director too has to be kept informed. This is done directly in smaller firms but in larger firms there may be an Account Planner or Director. The chief role of account executive is to extract the best possible work from the other departments of the agency. They are in daily touch with clients. Creative department The creative department is the people who create the actual ads – form the core of an advertising agency. Modern advertising agencies usually form their copywriters and art directors into creative teams. Creative teams may be permanent partnerships or formed on a project-by-project basis. The art director and copywriter report to a creative director, usually a creative employee with several years of experience. Although copywriters have the word â€Å"write†in their job title, and art directors have the word â€Å"art†, one does not necessarily write the words and the other draw the pictures; they both generate creative ideas to represent the proposition (the advertisement or campaign's key message). Creatives frequently work with outside design or production studios to develop and implement their ideas. Creative department consist of two key personnel i. e. art director and copywriters. These positions and ad agency is explained below. Art Directors Art Directors in Advertising aren't necessarily the head of an Art Department although the title may suggest it. They typically work in teams with a copywriter. Together the team works on a concept and design for commercials, print advertisements, and any other advertising medium. The art director is mostly responsible for the visual look and feel of the creative product as well as the concept. The Art Director ensures that the end product has the same look and feel as the original concept. The copywriter has ultimate responsibility for the product's verbal and textual content, and both are responsible for coming up with big, effective and persuasive ideas. Depending on the competencies of each, they may share tasks that are traditionally designated for one or the other, for instance, an art director may suggest certain wording and a copywriter may suggest a certain aesthetic for a project. Art directors may also oversee a team of junior designers, image developers and production artists. In a smaller organization the art director may fill these roles as well. In a larger organization, art directors may oversee other art directors in a senior/junior art director relationship. Copywriter A copywriter is a person who writes text, or copy, for clients. Most copywriters work in advertising or marketing, producing copy that's intended to persuade a reader to buy a product or service or otherwise take action. Copywriting involves providing words, which are read or heard in advertisements. This may include slogans or jingles or detailed text for catalogues, brochures, leaflets and journals. Copywriting also takes the form of script for television and film commercial advertisement. Copywriters can contribute words and ideas to print ads, catalogs, billboards, commercials, brochures, postcards, online sites, e-mail, letters and other advertising media. Ultimately, the kinds of ads and media a copywriter will work in depend on his or her own inclination and what clients ask for. A copywriter often works as part of an advertising team. Agencies and advertising departments partner copywriters with art directors. The copywriter has ultimate responsibility for their ads verbal and textual content, the art director has ultimate responsibility for the visual look and appeal, and both are responsible for coming up with big, effective, persuasive ideas. Copywriter and visual art work go hand in hand and this is the work which goes on in the agency’s creative department. Briefs from the Account Executive outlining the target group for the advertisement and information about the product, followed by discussions with the account planner, along with research material, and perhaps a meeting with client put the creative department to work. The essential skill of the Copywriter lies in interpreting and understanding the mind and needs of the target audience and the characteristics of the product. They must identify what it is that would make people want or need the product being promoted. The Art Director and the Copywriter together then work on an idea that should catch the attention of the public and put the selling point of the product across; many ads are discarded, reincarnated and created. The final product is a team effort of the Copywriter and Art director with each other having suggested alterations to the other. The more successful creations are then shown to the creative director who in turn may suggest further modifications. Final drawings are then produced and shown to the client. Once the client accepts the concept and layout is modified and the details filled in. The design and copy is sent to the production team for typesetting, photographs and drawings for printed advertisements or filming for television commercials. Giants in the copywriting field include David Ogilvy, William Bernbach, Robert W. Bly and Leo Burnett. Many creative artists spent some of their career as copywriters before becoming famous for other things, including Dorothy L. Sayers, Joseph Heller, Terry Gilliam, Salman Rushdie, and Don DeLillo. Creative Department people need following attributes for this back-breaking job. †¢ A good psychologist. †¢ Willing and able to set high standards. †¢ An efficient administrator & Research minded †¢ Capable of strategic thinking – ‘positioning’ and all that. †¢ Equally good at package goods and other kinds of accounts †¢ Well versed in graphics and photography †¢ A hard worker and fast †¢ Slow to quarrel Prepared to share credit for good work, and accept blame for bad work †¢ A good presenter & good recruiter Creative Process Policy [pic] Digital Studio Often called the DTP section, this set of people work on the final artwor ks that are sent to the various publications for release. DTP Artist DTP Artist is Desk Top Publishing worker, a special name used in Advertising agencies, Publisher, Color separation, Printing and other related industries. A DTP Artist usually skilled in multiple computer design applications, such as QuarkXPress, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, Adobe InDesign CS, and others. DTP Artist is formerly known as FA Artist (FA: Finishing Artwork), the name changed due to the digital revolution. DTP Artist is a common name used in India, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries. In America, advertising DTP associate is the term frequently used to describe graphic artists working for in-house art departments. American advertising agencies separate the role of graphic artists between art directors and production artists. Visualizer Visualizer is a position designed by Advertising agencies to assist Art directors, in producing quick & good quality artworks, for presentation (to please the clients). The salary of a Visualizer is very low, usually an average salary of a Visualizer is less than half, or sometimes quarter, of the salary of an Art Director. Visualizer is a special name used in advertising agencies in non-native English speaking countries, Malaysia, Singapore and others. Media Department Size and scale of the advertising is not important. What's in the mind is important. The big bucks are not being spent on production, they are being spent on broadcasting. The Media Department of an advertising agency is responsible for the planning and placement of advertising time and space. It is a function that in recent years has undergone considerable change. The proliferation of media forms and the escalating cost of media time have brought a new focus to the Agency Media Department. Media Executives The main task of the media executives is to place the advertisements where they will be seen by the right target audience keeping the budget in the mind. Hence this job requires planning, research and buying space in the press or time for commercial radio and television. In large agencies this task may be allocated to two or three different specialist. There may be a media planners and media buyers. In small agencies the task may be handled by the same person. FUNCTIONS OF THE MEDIA DEPARTMENT Media Planning The Media Department is responsible for the preparation and the actual presentation of the media plan. This department recommends media and media vehicles that in the agency's opinion best fulfill the client's marketing and advertising objectives. The recommendations are based on a careful assessment of the client's strategic requirements and the subsequent matching against these of the various available media forms. In the process there is great reliance on research and the known strengths and weaknesses of various media. Computer analysis is frequently used to sift through and compare all the media audience data that is available. The final media plan will present a carefully thought out recommendation that delivers the right target group, at the right time, in the right place, with the right number of messages. Media planners have access to up-to-date information about each advertising medium. This includes the relationship and circulation figures for news papers and magazines, viewing figures for different times of the day, listening audience figure for commercial radio stations etc. They are also aware of the various locations for hoarding and billboards. They are a vast array of choice. There are thousands of brands to advertise the work is challenging. It is though the selection of the right media that a good media department can save large advertisers money as well as give credibility. Media Buying Once a media plan has been approved by a client, it must then be purchased. The procedures for this vary according to the medium under consideration. In print media, for example, most purchases are made on the basis of rate cards issued by various newspapers or magazines. In broadcast, however, negotiation is involved. The objective of this negotiation is quite simple – to achieve maximum media efficiencies in obtaining the most for the least, or, in other words, the most audience for the least amount of money. Media buyers buy advertising time/space for the agency’s client. The work closely with the media planer if the two functions are carried out separately. Television and newspaper advertising are expensive. The media buyer’s expertise is in the negotiating the best possible deal for the client. The commercial breaks with the most viewers are the most expensive and so also the newspapers and magazines with the Media Estimating Every single purchase made by the Media Buyer must be recorded in advance of the actual running of the advertisement. This is to enable the agency to bill the client for monies spent on their behalf and to check the invoices submitted by the media. This document is called an estimate. Marketing Research Department Marketing research is three things: 1. The identification of information needs (i. e. defining the problem) 2. The systematic gathering, recording, analyzing and interpreting of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services (i. e. providing a solution to the problem) 3. The analysis and evaluation of action taken on the basis of information (i. e. monitoring and modifying the initial solution). The single most important reason then for doing marketing research is to guide the marketer in the analysis, planning, implementation and control of marketing and communications programs to satisfy both customer needs and organizational goals. It does this by providing decision-makers with information necessary to choose between alternative courses of action. While marketing research information can never eliminate all risk from decision making, good research can and should substantially reduce the odds of failure. In short, the essence of marketing research is â€Å"problem-solving†. Creative Services Department The creative services department may not be so well known, but its employees are the people who have contacts with the suppliers of various creative media. For example, they will be able to advise upon and negotiate with printers if an agency is producing flyers for a client. However, when dealing with the major media (broadcast media, outdoor, and the press), this work is usually outsourced to a media agency which can advise on media planning and is normally large enough to negotiate prices down further than a single agency or client can. In small agencies, employees may do both creative and account service work. Larger agencies attract people who specialize in one or the other, and indeed include a number of people in specialized positions: production work, [Internet] advertising, or research, for example. Event Management and Promotion department These are marketing support services which coordinate with external suppliers and use internal resources to implement the client's plans. The work here is coordination, with specific responsibilities being more specialized. Event management, an industry that is just taking off in India, plans, organizes and executes live events, which could include a brand/product launch, an exhibition, a concert or even a conference. Traffic Manager (system administrator) An often forgotten, but still important, department within an advertising agency is traffic. Typically headed by a traffic manager, this department is responsible for a number of things. First and foremost is increasing agency efficiency and profitability through the reduction of false job starts, inappropriate job initiation, incomplete information sharing, over- and under-cost estimation, and the need for media extensions. In small agencies without a dedicated traffic manager, one employee may be responsible for managing workflow, gathering cost estimates and answering the phone, for example. Large agencies may have a traffic department of ten or more employees. Radio & TV Broadcast Production Department The Broadcast Production department is responsible for making television and radio commercials to be aired across the country. Each project is different and the job demands both creative and administrative ability. The most successful people in Broadcast Production have strong aptitudes in both creative and administrative areas. This means that they should be active in creative spheres. They must also have a very high organizational ability as there are a myriad of details to attend to in any production. There are two basic classifications of jobs in Broadcast Production: †¢ Producer †¢ Production Co-ordinator and/or Traffic Co-ordinator The production team's main function is to purchase the services of the correct film or videotape Production Company and to administer and produce the TV commercial production on behalf of the advertising agency and the client. The Producer The Producer is responsible for supervising all aspects of a TV commercial production, from the selection of the production company through budgeting, scheduling, casting, locations, sets, music creation, production meetings, filming, editing, sound mixing, to the final approval of the finished commercial. This means that the Producer must be completely familiar with all aspects of the film and videotape process, including animation, live action, and stop motion. Production Co-ordinator The function of the Production Co-ordinator is to work with one or more Producers, providing administrative and creative support in such fields as budgeting, scheduling, producing production books, and auditioning talent. A Co-ordinator very often will handle revisions and adaptations of TV commercials with the production company. They may also have experience in Broadcast Traffic learning other rules on talent or how to â€Å"traffic†a complex television schedule. Print Production Department Print Production, more than any other agency department, relies on graphic art technology to help give birth to an ad. If there are to be no complications in the ad's delivery to the printed page, then strict technical rules must be followed. Of course, rules were made for valid reasons. An ad must obey that magazine's exact size and film requirements. To defy those specifications, even slightly, would make it incorrect and therefore not publishable. What Print Production People Do? Print production people: †¢ Meet deadlines. Publications insist on strict deadlines and it's crucial that production pay strict heed to them. †¢ Use sophisticated technology. To ensure that those deadlines are met, the Production Manager must possess a solid working know- ledge of the latest graphic art technology. As technology changes it is now imperative to be computer literate and understand their function. †¢ Co-ordinate and manage. The Print Production department's job is to ensure that print advertising is reproduced correctly whether in colour or in black and white. This means exact attention to detail and it is up to the Production Manager to provide the specifications to suppliers. †¢ Skills and training. What are the skills necessary to make it in Production? Technical art expertise and a willingness to keep abreast of new developments; an aesthetic feeling for some of the craftsmanship involved in the graphic arts; accounting and math skills; and a sharp eye for detail. Computer literacy and an understanding of systems is another necessary skill. Production skills aren't something that can be bought, nor are they something that can be learned overnight. It t
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