Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Stages Of Piaget s Development Theory - 1500 Words

This essay is concerned with the Concrete Operational Stage of Piaget’s development theory, which he described as â€Å"a major turning point in a child’s cognitive development as it is the beginning of logical thought processes† (Piaget, 1954). This typically occurs between seven and eleven years of age. It will describe the developmental tests used to evidence development and evaluate the strengths and weakness of the theory in relation to the stage and tests used. During this stage, children develop and are able to use logical reasoning as long as it can be applied to concrete and specific examples they are familiar with, such as their own experiences and people, places and objects they know and have experienced however, abstract thought and â€Å"what if† scenarios are still beyond their thinking. They are able to understand conservation, which Mcleod.S.A (2010) defines as understanding that something remains the same even though its appearance changes, which coincides with the development of reversibility and knowing that numbers/object appearances can be changed and then returned to their original condition with no lasting effects. It is a mental process which allows the reversal of a chain of events or restoration of a changed state to original condition (Piaget,J Inhelder,B. 1956). Their classification skills increase allowing objects to be grouped by mass, weight, height and colour and class inclusion develops, enabling the child to further separate the classified groups ofShow MoreRelatedPiaget s Theory Of The Stages Of Development Essay955 Words   |  4 Pagesamount or mass. 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